Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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The world of Metal Gear has a vast potential with characters and settings. Theres so many stories we can tell. And now with Kojima gone the potential is there for that to actually happen.

Kojima will continue creating nonsensical incoherent games with Sony for the rest of his career. I just hope the new director can whip something together, and after the last 10 years of MGS, I don't think the bill is too big to fill.
You probably just revived the white knighting for this game.... good job :lol

Oh god Solidus, I thought you preferred 3D girls! My lord :horror
He's hiding because you scared him off :lol maybe he's trying to hide his...reaction to that video.

wait, you can't go both ways! That's like saying you have more than one waifu!
It just hit me that if Kojima was still running things, he would have released a Quiet lingerie set for fans to sniff. Don't lie and say that isn't in line with this messed up series.
It just hit me that if Kojima was still running things, he would have released a Quiet lingerie set for fans to sniff. Don't lie and say that isn't in line with this messed up series.


Kojima: My original plan is to bundle the game with Quiet's panties, the players can sniff them, like how I'm demonstrating here.

Shinkawa: Erm, boss..

Kojima: It will allow the players a more immersive experience, to put them in in Quiet's shoes, or in case- panties. That way the themes of REVENGE will harmonize with the experience of the players. This is the kind of battlefield only possible with the FOX Engine.

Shinkawa: Boss, we're live..

Kojima: I know Jimbo, sniff.. I know.
I can't believe I respected this man at one point. He's so ****ing bizarre.

Nobody minds an eccentric nut if you can actually back it up with something. MGSV was such a cheap knockoff of a MGS game that you wonder why the hell there were weekly internet TV broadcasts in worship of this man. I really couldn't care less if the end product was actually good.
Nobody minds an eccentric nut if you can actually back it up with something. MGSV was such a cheap knockoff of a MGS game that you wonder why the hell there were weekly internet TV broadcasts in worship of this man. I really couldn't care less if the end product was actually good.

Yeah... that Lord of the Flies chapter that was cut? The Snuffleupagus fight was just a Man vs. Gundam, and really not as interesting or compelling as other mech fights in the series, even the final battle with Peace Walker. It felt like nothing was at stake in the game. Vocal cord parasites? How is this not the mockery of the entire fanbase? :lol

I can't believe I'm even saying this, since I hate both enormously but... Boss AI > Parasites.

I know many of you feel the same, but I'm glad the series is over. Konami will either do remakes, reboots, or sequels and I really wouldn't care which is true. MGS4 put it to an end, and you can play MGS1-4 without playing Peace Walker and V and you lose no context at all. I think it speaks volumes about the pre-sequels that they can be removed entirely and it doesn't affect any future game aside from it's direct sequel. MPO to me is the only one that mattered, and gave enough to setup the events that Big Boss no longer served the United States. I mean, it's pretty much the game that coined the name Outer Heaven... but then doesn't really start using it until 1984? Please...
Just want to say it's been officially 4 months since I bought this, and I'm only half way is more of a chore than a game at this point...

I still haven't finished it. I think I have one last story mission to go but I can't be bothered to do the side missions necessary to Unlock it.

The game out stayed its welcome, no and no real narrative motivation to complete it either. I can't believe I'm saying this about a MetalGear game!!