Here is a tip for you: You, Snake Plissk
in and some others here
don't own this topic of MGS or the forum. Ok.
I also find it hilarious that you don't find it trolling or flaming, if someone calls/refers people with different opinion childs, stupid, noobs etc. Besides I wasn't that serious. I thought that the smiley in the end explained this, but I guess not.
I don't really hate anyone, but seems to me that if you have different opinion other than "we hate BB" or "we hate Kojima", you are called ******* etc. or at least snidely referred that you are a one. Can you really wonder why I haven't wrote more to this topic or any MGS related stuff? Really? Heh...
You say that it is silly and weird to complain about other members and their post here? Ok, but if response to honestly polite request to keep at least Kojima free october is basically "go **** youself noob", then is it any wonder if one might also get provoked. Surely you understand that. And I wasn't any more angry than you or some of you are. If I were angry, you would see and read that quite clearly

Trust me. I would get banned.
Anyways, this is also derailing the topic, so unless you actually have something meaningfull to reply, I guess we are done here. And thanks for the tip, I go will somewhere else.