"Great guys - way to pollute a thread and get it closed. The next one of you posting a stupid gif in ANY thread will be banned."
That explains so much, wow.
I dare not ask what's the gifs of the guy dressed as a schoolgirl
Though I don't think Plissken would mind this thread getting closed...
This is now a joint MGS V and Friends thread.
I know who won't appear; any of the actors/actresses from "Friends".
Once, I nearly punched a man for questioning my sexuality. But, then I figured he was twice my size, and I'd get my *** kicked if I tried to act tough. So, I decided to weight train for six months; drinking lots of Muscle Milk and eating lots of fish cakes. Afterwards, I traveled to the Soviet Union to train some more; pumping iron, running up mountains, lifting horse carriages, growing an epic ****ing beard, with "Hearts on Fire" playing in the background. My lady Adrian even came to give me support... and well, I guess she was thirsty for the "d". Well, I finally met up that bastard Drago in the ring. As expected he kicked my *** for a while, but I eventually punched his lights out, and avenged my dear friend, Apollo Creed.
The moral of the story, is that overcoming any type of hardship starts with growing an epic ****ing beard. Never give up.
Do you watch 24, Ryan? The new season is starting next year on FOX. I can't wait for it.
Anyway, I have a feeling that KojiPro is shooting themselves in the foot by releasing MGS V in episodes instead of a whole package. It wouldn't be a problem if they could manage to churn out the DLCs on a regular basis, just to keep the game relevant. But, having a one-year time-span between the release of Ground Zeroes and MGS V is just unacceptable. It'll eventually come to the point where people will lose interest and not even care anymore (eg. "Oh.. a DLC for MGS V got released? Wasn't that game finished since last year? Meh...").
I never caught up with it, despite all my friends telling me to. I guess I'll just get the boxsets then.
You're right bout KojiPro, the long gap between 2 games is understandable, but Koji HAS to sustain consumer interest within that time frame. We'll probably get more toys, books, tweets of Koji's food etc in between but if this turns out to be a ploy for us to spend more money in anticipation, I need to re-evaluate my love for the series.
Don't you find it strange that Kojima is well aware of the backlash of MGS2 yet kinda sweeps all MGSV uproar under the rug? If GZ turns out to be the MGS we didn't want, let's just say I'll be ready with my bullhorn.![]()
Do you watch 24, Ryan? The new season is starting next year on FOX. I can't wait for it.
Anyway, I have a feeling that KojiPro is shooting themselves in the foot by releasing MGS V in episodes instead of a whole package. It wouldn't be a problem if they could manage to churn out the DLCs on a regular basis, just to keep the game relevant. But, having a one-year time-span between the release of Ground Zeroes and MGS V is just unacceptable. It'll eventually come to the point where people will lose interest and not even care anymore (eg. "Oh.. a DLC for MGS V got released? Wasn't that game finished since last year? Meh...").