Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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no offense, there is someone here who would try such a prank. if you are not joking, my apologies. its just funny your name pops in the room just after a hideo tirade hahahaha. we also bash sutherland from time to time. we hate mgs here as much as we love it!!!!!!
no offense, there is someone here who would try such a prank. if you are not joking, my apologies. its just funny your name pops in the room just after a hideo tirade hahahaha. we also bash sutherland from time to time. we hate mgs here as much as we love it!!!!!!

ive played all the mgs. those games saved my life during some of the roughest gaming times of my childhood. also a huge jack bauer fan. what is the hideo hate for? this man created a masterpiece. i havent checked any of the earlier posts in the thread so im jumping in kind of blind.
Who do you think i am?! Jive?! I'm suspecting a little racial undertone.

Oh relax, I learned to speak jive from Airplane.

Yikes! Haven't even been here for long at all and im going to take a shot in the dark by saying you guys are NOT happy about Sutherland voicing Big Boss in the new MGS title. At first I won't lie I wasnt really on board either. Hayter in my eyes was always the voice of the genre. But after they released the E3 trailer with Sutherland talking at the end, I was sold. "KAZ, IM ALREADY A DEMON"