Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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How does one give themselves reputation points on here?

You love it and you know it! You only deny it to protect Pliss.

Well, I found the extra-ops missions and Monster Hunter stuff were A LOT of fun, and Date with Kaz was... strangely entertaining (I'll admit that). Like I told you before, Peace Walker is definitely the most fun I've had with a single MGS game, because of all of its extra content.

Some of the new characters were so annoying, though. I couldn't stand Chico's voice and his whacked-out conspiracy theories, and Huey just seemed like a character-clone of Otacon. Don't even get me started with "The Boss" mecha, the singing AIs, and the J-pop song at the end :lol. The storyline was far too "Japanese" for its own good.

Edit: And in addition, there's the retconing of REX's origins, the constant praise to that monster Che Guevara, etc. Ugh..
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Dude, it's not my fave :lol My fave will always be MGS1, I like PW a lot for what it is, but it's not my fave.

Although I truly don't dislike any game in the franchise.
A peek at Kojima's collection. He has the same The Sound of Music Collector's Edition as I do! :yess:

Dude, it's not my fave :lol My fave will always be MGS1, I like PW a lot for what it is, but it's not my fave.

Although I truly don't dislike any game in the franchise.

MGS 1 is my favorite, too, and I don't truly dislike any of the games, either :lol. I just take a lot of issues with Kojima's post-MGS 3 direction of the storyline. Kojima was trying too hard to come full-circle with MGS 4's storyline, that he ended up doing some truly horrible and unrealistic things to some of his characters, and completely destroyed any sort of established personalities thay had; like having all of Big Boss's friends, turn out to be his greatest enemies. I actually liked Major Zero - and it's absolutely ridiculous, that he went from a small-time commander in the SAS to the full-scale ruler of the world through the Patriots.

Similar things can be said about Paramedic and Sigint, too. Paramedic was this up-beat movie fanatic in MGS 3, and all of a sudden, she became Dr. Clark - the person who performed inhumane experiments on Gray Fox's body. As for Sigint, he went from this cool bud and weapon's nut, to Donald Anderson - who was responsible for the REX project.

And to this day, I still don't understand the need for the, double-agent, triple-agent, ridiculousness involving Ocelot.

Kojima certainly knows how to make a good characters and a nice premise for a plot. But, his storylines suffer massively whenever they're executed.
Yup, you've heard the guy, he can't remember all the crap he's written so he makes up along the way :lol You know you're jaded when fans know more about your work than yourself, it's a hard case of the Lucas disease.

I guess Disney better buy MGS before Kojima starts replacing MGS characters with their younger versions :lol

In all fairness, even with the retcons and additions I can't seem to hate the franchise, some changes do have me all WTF but afterwards it ends up engaging me nonetheless.
Yup, you've heard the guy, he can't remember all the crap he's written so he makes up along the way :lol You know you're jaded when fans know more about your work than yourself, it's a hard case of the Lucas disease.

I guess Disney better buy MGS before Kojima starts replacing MGS characters with their younger versions :lol

In all fairness, even with the retcons and additions I can't seem to hate the franchise, some changes do have me all WTF but afterwards it ends up engaging me nonetheless.

I couldn't have said it better myself! :lol :goodpost:

But, even with all the nonsense, MGS is still my favorite video game series to this day. Kojima is far from being a skilled storyteller, and the MGS storylines are extremely flawed and nonsensical when you start to dissect things. But, I accept Kojima for who he is, and his horrible creations for what they are :lol.
Well, I found the extra-ops missions and Monster Hunter stuff were A LOT of fun, and Date with Kaz was... strangely entertaining (I'll admit that). Like I told you before, Peace Walker is definitely the most fun I've had with a single MGS game, because of all of its extra content.

Some of the new characters were so annoying, though. I couldn't stand Chico's voice and his whacked-out conspiracy theories, and Huey just seemed like a character-clone of Otacon. Don't even get me started with "The Boss" mecha, the singing AIs, and the J-pop song at the end :lol. The storyline was far too "Japanese" for its own good.

Edit: And in addition, there's the retconing of REX's origins, the constant praise to that monster Che Guevara, etc. Ugh..

I think he's misinformed on Guevara. While one could argue he had good intentions, but at the end of the day he's truly a despicable human being. Just like how Osama Bin Laden claims his retarded cause are for the good of Islam. Speak highly about any of them where I live and you're gonna a lecture.

Yup, you've heard the guy, he can't remember all the crap he's written so he makes up along the way :lol You know you're jaded when fans know more about your work than yourself, it's a hard case of the Lucas disease.

I guess Disney better buy MGS before Kojima starts replacing MGS characters with their younger versions :lol

In all fairness, even with the retcons and additions I can't seem to hate the franchise, some changes do have me all WTF but afterwards it ends up engaging me nonetheless.

Nah, Kojima should hand the series to Joss Whedon, he makes crazy, work. :lol
I think he's misinformed on Guevara. While one could argue he had good intentions, but at the end of the day he's truly a despicable human being. Just like how Osama claims his retarded cause are for the good of Islam. Speak highly about any of them where I live and you're gonna a lecture.

That's the one thing that irked me the most about Peace Walker. I don't really want to get into politics in public, but you wouldn't believe the people on my college campus, that treat Guevara as if he were some type of fallen hero - when in reality he was a horrible, cold-blooded killer who helped to set-up Castro's Cuba.

I really expected more from Kojima. He seemed to be so well-informed in current events, from his work in the first three MGS games.

Nah, Kojima should hand the series to Joss Whedon, he makes crazy, work. :lol

No kidding about Whedon. OMG... Firefly :drool.
That's the one thing that irked me the most about Peace Walker. I don't really want to get into politics in public, but you wouldn't believe the people on my college campus, that treat Guevara as if he were some type of fallen hero - when in reality he was a horrible, cold-blooded killer who helped to set-up Castro's Cuba.

I really expected more from Kojima. He seemed to be so well-informed in current events, from his work in the first three MGS games.

Wow, really? That's disheartening. Anyway, yeah you're right, we shouldn't get into politics in public. But nonetheless, the decision to include Guevara was a cringe worthy decision on Kojima' part and it would have been better without it, regardless on one's stance on Guevara. It has singing robots in the 70's FFS! :lol

Here's to MGSV handling the rape and torture subject matter with more finesse. :duff.

No kidding about Whedon. OMG... Firefly :drool.

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I believe the true evil came from Castro, not Guevara, this is a man who saw the most severe poverty caused by the "bourgeoisie" and wanted to do something about it, I'd hardly call him a cold blooded killer, it was guerrilla after all, everybody kills for their respective cause, it was after Castro came to power when the communism began, I disagree with his sociopolitical and views, yeah he co-founded Castro's Cuba, but it was Castro who twisted Guevara's views and turned that country into the communist fort it is today, I wouldn't call him a hero either, it's just symbol for revolutionary wannabe kids to put on their T-shirts :lol

I was annoyed to by how glorified they made him look in PW, the peace and freedom theme in PW would have been a lot better without mentioning him.

I don't know much about politics, I just know I like private property :D
Wow, really? That's disheartening. Anyway, yeah you're right, we shouldn't get into politics in public. But nonetheless, the decision to include Guevara was a cringe worthy decision on Kojima' part and it would have been better without it, regardless on one's stance on Guevara. It has singing robots in the 70's FFS! :lol

Here's to MGSV handling the rape and torture subject matter with more finesse. :duff.


Hideo Kojima:
"Guys, I've got some more big things planned for MGS V! Check this out.... there's going to be rape!"

Kojima zombies: "Kojima is GOD!", "MGS # 1", "Epic!", "So much hype!"

And man, that's an awesome image I find it hard to believe that you're doing all of that with paint! :clap

I believe the true evil came from Castro, not Guevara, this is a man who saw the most severe poverty caused by the "bourgeoisie" and wanted to do something about it, I'd hardly call him a cold blooded killer, it was guerrilla after all, everybody kills for their respective cause, it was after Castro came to power when the communism began, I disagree with his sociopolitical and views, yeah he co-founded Castro's Cuba, but it was Castro who twisted Guevara's views and turned that country into the communist fort it is today, I wouldn't call him a hero either, it's just symbol for revolutionary wannabe kids to put on their T-shirts :lol

I was annoyed to by how glorified they made him look in PW, the peace and freedom theme in PW would have been a lot better without mentioning him.

I don't know much about politics, I just know I like private property

:goodpost: Every person should have the right to private property.

And yeah, I think the Peace symbol would have been great by itself. It was the 70s after all, and The Beetles and hippie movement were all the rage back then :lol.
That's the one thing that irked me the most about Peace Walker. I don't really want to get into politics in public, but you wouldn't believe the people on my college campus, that treat Guevara as if he were some type of fallen hero - when in reality he was a horrible, cold-blooded killer who helped to set-up Castro's Cuba.

I really expected more from Kojima. He seemed to be so well-informed in current events, from his work in the first three MGS games.

No kidding about Whedon. OMG... Firefly :drool.

Whedon is overrated firefly was good but his other stuff stinks.
I think he's misinformed on Guevara. While one could argue he had good intentions, but at the end of the day he's truly a despicable human being. Just like how Osama Bin Laden claims his retarded cause are for the good of Islam. Speak highly about any of them where I live and you're gonna a lecture.

Nah, Kojima should hand the series to Joss Whedon, he makes crazy, work. :lol

Kojima is a genius. How could you even place the two on the same playing field?
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