Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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I find that those on the far-left are grossly misinformed on Guevara, and it's often the case that they try to romanticize him. It's just like the martyrdom that they unabashingly portray with Sacco and Vanzetti, even though later evidence has shown that two were indeed guilty.

Che oversaw the executions of hundreds of "revolutionaries" from the previous regime. And I use that in quotes because it's often the case that the accused were innocent civilians who had no links to Batista at all. They weren't even granted due process to argue a defense for their cases. He also spouted enormous racial bigotry against blacks in his writings, and in addition to Castro, he supported North Korea and Stalin's Russia. I can go on with a lot more, but you can Google the rest for information. The Cuban Americans that I've met in NYC - whose families have suffered through the brutality of Castro, are very broken-hearted by how some are so disillusioned with Guevara.

I guess my case in point, is that Guevara and Big Boss were nothing alike. Big Boss couldn't care less about politics; whether countries supported the free-market or Socialism, he hated it all, and even more so with Zero's involvement in the world scene. His main motivation for war was simply, to seek retribution for The Boss's death and to take the entire world down with him in flames. And his differences with Zero, provided the perfect opportunity for him to do that. With all of that said, it was a flaw on Kojima's part to try and draw correlations between Che and Big Boss.


The prime example on how to state one's opinions, by actually putting thoughts into your words & taking time to type it. Everybody is validated so long as they can provide a solid argument on the matter. Instead of say, spewing "Peace Walker sucks" or "MGS2 is the worst", take your time to type. There is no need to convince those who disagree with you, rather, invite them by giving them a window into why you are so passionate or unperturbed by the topic at hand.
I never said Che was anything more than a man. Was he ruthless? Absolutely. You do not get the nickname Butcher of La Cabana for being a nice guy. Was he a racist and homophobe? Yes, from most of his own writings it could be inferred that he held less than positive views of certain groups. But again he is just a man. Nothing more. Some of his ideals were spot on, others were horribly wrong. I would never call Che a saint. But I wouldn't call him the devil either. He was a brilliant tactician. Even the Pentagon to this day studies his guerilla tactics. And his original intentions came from a desire to help oppressed people. I think he lost his way though.

Many individuals throughout history are lionized despite some horrific things they did or believed. The American Founding Fathers are all heroes, yet they owned slaves. They held some negative views towards blacks and the native American population. But they still have statues and monuments. History is messy. Human beings want to categorize everything in black and white, when often there is an exceptional amount of grey. There are few who are at ease with moral ambiguity, so for the most part people act like they don't exist.

Firefly comes in 3rd for me behind BSG(new one) and Fringe. I like Cabin in the Woods too. I wasn't aware that people didn't like it.

America did take some time to right some of its wrongs (and slavery was one of them). But, I'd never, ever, liken the founders to someone as twisted as Che. I'll... just leave it at that.

There was a lot of Cabin in the Woods bashing in the movie section :lol. I can't remember the specific thread, but just go in and start talking about it, and someone should get up in arms.

Edit: Or, wait... maybe it was CP doing the bashing. But, he has been perma-banned :lol.
No I get all of that trust me. But I think you missed what I was trying to say. I am not saying the things they do are similar I am just saying peoples perception of them are similar. Some regard Big Boss as a hero, some regard him as a mad man, some regard him as a soldier who lost his way. Those three opinions also exist about Che.

:goodpost: Precisely Dylan. At the end of the day I feel like the Che comparison and admiration should have still been left at the cutting room floor because I'm sure fans are all smart enough to have that analogy already. There was no need to spell it out because it was already established in the old games.
America did take some time to right some of its wrongs (and slavery was one of them). But, I'd never, ever, liken the founders to someone as twisted as Che. I'll... just leave it at that.

There was a lot of Cabin in the Woods bashing in the movie section :lol. I can't remember the specific thread, but just go in and start talking about it, and someone should get up in arms.

Slavery was a brutal enterprise. Some were opposed others were for it. Some treated their slaves with kindly(George Washington being a prime example), while others were brutal and saw blacks as less than human. And these attitudes festered in this country. Agree or disagree with President Obama, a great deal of the criticism against him comes from some very evil, racist places. And i am speaking about those that call him and his family monkeys or have pictures of him being lynched. Not people capable of articulating a disagreement with a particular policy he has enacted or did not enact. But enough about politics.

So has it been confirmed that GZ is just a glorified demo? I mean I am still interested in it, but paying $30 for what amounts to a teaser is hard to swallow.

I try to avoid the movie section. I went into the Batman vs Superman thread and made the mistake of saying I was excited for the film, and then was bombarded by all the reasons the movie currently sucks, and will suck in the future.
:goodpost: Precisely Dylan. At the end of the day I feel like the Che comparison and admiration should have still been left at the cutting room floor because I'm sure fans are all smart enough to have that analogy already. There was no need to spell it out because it was already established in the old games.

That's how I feel about it, too. At certain points in the game, I got the impression that Kojima was lecturing me on how "awesome" Che was. I felt intellectually insulted, to be honest :lol. Many of the fans are smart enough to draw their own interpretations of Big Boss, without Koji having having to step in, and absurdly spell it out for us. I actually remember a time when MGS games were thought provoking...
So has it been confirmed that GZ is just a glorified demo? I mean I am still interested in it, but paying $30 for what amounts to a teaser is hard to swallow..

Apparently so. I just might end up getting this on the PS3 instead. I'll reserve a PS4 as soon as my two most anticipated games come out. Arkham 3 and Uncharted 4.
Have you noticed how Kojima's very careful on his wording? Instead of calling it a "demo", he refers to it as a "stealth simulator" to introduce us to MGS V. Yeah, sorry Koji - it's a demo, and we have to pay for it.
Apparently so. I just might end up getting this on the PS3 instead. I'll reserve a PS4 as soon as my two most anticipated games come out. Arkham 3 and Uncharted 4.

That's disappointing. I was thinking of getting a PS4 for this and Infamous. But I may wait now and just get this on PS3 as well. And even then I might find it hard to justify spending the money. So is it just that night base level we keep seeing, or is it something else?
Ill wait for ps4 to play it. I want the full graphical experience. Until then ill collect some items.

On a side note im digging the android support. Wonder if this feature is just next gen.
Wonder if we'll see ickle little Naomi in Phantom Pain?

I've never actually discussed Naomi with other MGS fans, does everyone else hate her too? :lol

Oh boy do I!

I spent all of MGS4 yelling the the screen "just spit it the **** out already!" she is constantly answering Snakes questions with the most off topic and nonsensical answers. I seriously wished he would just grab her in a CQC hold and say "start talking" but I guess thats the other guys thing.
I love Cabin in the woods, it's fantastic, not a horror movie, but fantastic!

I try to avoid the movie section. I went into the Batman vs Superman thread and made the mistake of saying I was excited for the film, and then was bombarded by all the reasons the movie currently sucks, and will suck in the future.

Uuuuugh tell me about it, there are some cool people in that section, that's why I stick around, but a bunch of them, are very vocal complete *******s, I'm surprised only CP got banned, there are others that are equally dbags :lol It's like they think themselves as the cool kids table :lol
Ok, I'm curious. What was the line? Oh and i'm not trying to be argumentative or combative. I like Whedon okay, but i agree a great percentage of his fandom is scary. While I enjoyed Avengers, the so called dramatic moments(Coulson's death, Tony's sacrifice) seemed hollow. Plus I hated that all the character development by Tony in IM2 was retconned so he could be a quip machine. But I do love Firefly and Serenity unabashedly.

The line from X-men, Halle Berry’s Storm asks Toad what happens when a Toad gets hit with lightning or something. It is legendary because it is so bad.

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Gz’s achievements.

Like I suspected, this game is looking way too short

And those achievements reach 1000p so... thas the complete list, yup the game will last for a couple of hours, kind of expensive for such a short game... its like a DLC

The prime example on how to state one's opinions, by actually putting thoughts into your words & taking time to type it. Everybody is validated so long as they can provide a solid argument on the matter. Instead of say, spewing "Peace Walker sucks" or "MGS2 is the worst", take your time to type. There is no need to convince those who disagree with you, rather, invite them by giving them a window into why you are so passionate or unperturbed by the topic at hand.


No I get all of that trust me. But I think you missed what I was trying to say. I am not saying the things they do are similar I am just saying peoples perception of them are similar. Some regard Big Boss as a hero, some regard him as a mad man, some regard him as a soldier who lost his way. Those three opinions also exist about Che.


I see it that way too, glad I'm not the only one

Wonder if we'll see ickle little Naomi in Phantom Pain?

I've never actually discussed Naomi with other MGS fans, does everyone else hate her too? :lol

I wouldn't mind if Naomi was in the game, I don't remember exaclty when Gray Fox took her... but I really want to see is young Wolf, that would be badass :drool
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And those achievements reach 1000p so... thas the complete list, yup the game will las for a couple of hours, kind expensive for such a short game... its like a DLC

I hope there more we don’t know about. Or the main mission is like 5 hours on its own :lol
I didn't think Storm's line was bad I actually like it :lol you were expecting some sassy superhero trash talk, na-ah, you fry, ninja! :lol

I won’t lie, sometimes I feel indifferent about it, and sometime when I hear it. I fall out my chair like a DBZ character.