Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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I have The art of Metal Gear Solid, The art of Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 4 Master Artworks and the art book that came with the HD LE Collection

Never was bothered about the PW one and all the good stuff is in the HD art book anyway

I picked MGS1&2 for £70, MGS4 for £85 i think and then retail for the HD LE edition
MGS4, MGSPW and they did that $500+ set.
you have the art books ?

There's the Peace Walker one, but it's not as good as the previous releases, in my opinion. I'd love to get my hands on the MGS 1 and 2 art books. Heck, everything.

I have no idea why MGS stuff gets so expensive over time.

Here where i’m located you hardly have any store's that sell that stuff NY on the other hand i’m sure someone has them but you will pay a arm and leg for them.
I will most definitely be able to when i get around to doing it

I need to get some scans done myself to frame, I just haven't had the time recently!

I have the images i want to print, but they need scanning and i don't really know whats the best way to scan them ready for printing

By any chance, might you be able to hook me up with some kewl scans of those books? :monkey3
Name: Big Boss.
Occupation: Outer Heaven Operator. Moper of "not quite mother/not quite lover". Fashion model.


That is pathetic :lol
I've got all the official art books except that massive fancy metal one!

The Art is my favourite part if the metal gear series
MGS V has the worst product placement of any other game in the franchise. I use to think that the MGS 4 watch was stupid, but it's like they're not even trying anymore.