Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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MGS V has the worst product placement of any other game in the franchise. I use to think that the MGS 4 watch was stupid, but it's like they're not even trying anymore.

I think you forgot Peace Walker. :lol

The Walkman, T-shirts, clothing line, sodas, I think I'm missing more..

Fresh details on Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes have surfaced in the pages of Hobby Consolas (via MGI), a Spanish gaming magazine who recently attended Konami’s ‘boot camp’ event for the stealth-action title.

First up, the healing regeneration only applies to minor injuries. Should Snake suffer considerable damage, you’ll still have to patch yourself up by utilizing healing sprays.

Despite controversy surrounding the game’s length, the publication notes that Ground Zeroes isn’t short. In fact, it notes that the average player can put 8-10 hours into the game, while Kojima Productions’ best player put in over 100 digging up all its secrets.

The magazine extolled the Fox Engine, stating it looks ‘simply spectacular, offering some stunning body and facial animations that are among the best in the industry.

Finally, players will have to be extra careful in avoiding detection. Guards can now spot Snake’s footprints in the mud and possess a better field of vision, plus carry out randomized patrol routes.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is scheduled to ship for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 on March 18 in the U.S. and March 20 in Europe.

Stay tuned to for our full review.

Hope this is true! This “short” game is probably going to be my game of the year.
Well, let's not forget that Kojima admitted to a "two hour" campaign and went on the defensive on Twitter, asserting about the game's replayability. So, it's likely that the 8-10 hours that "the average player" could put into Ground Zeroes is referring to the combined completion times of multiple playthroughs.

I guess the big question I have, is why bring this up weeks later after all of the controversy that surrounded the game's short length and price drops from the backlash? It seems like Konami has back-peddled in a last-ditch effort to hyperbolize and build up support for this game - when in essence, it has been waning for quite some time.

About the regenerating health: I wonder what constitutes a "minor" injury from "considerable damage". It would be nice if they elaborated on it a bit more. It seems good that it's not totally regenerative, though.
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Hope this is true! This “short” game is probably going to be my game of the year.


Well, the wait is almost over, I really want to play it and see how difficult it realy is with this new AI system

Well, the wait is almost over, I just deamed about playing that game... :lol wtf, I really want to play it and see how difficult it realy is with this new AI system

Hardest difficulty available from the start. The only way to enjoy games.

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Hardest difficulty available from the start. The only way to enjoy games.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I’m taking off all the handicaps as well. With everything we know about MGSV so far, the game seems to be doing a great job at catering to the casual and hardcore gamer.
I’m taking off all the handicaps as well. With everything we know about MGSV so far, the game seems to be doing a great job at catering to the casual and hardcore gamer.

Yeah Son!

Im always worried what the best way to play a new game is. The fact that theres soo many options to toggle will cnfuse me what to leave on or off
Make sure the fapp bucket is at the really :lol

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Yeah Son!

Im always worried what the best way to play a new game is. The fact that theres soo many options to toggle will cnfuse me what to leave on or off

If it's just like any other MGS game, you should have easy, normal and hard options of difficulty. Kojima said that you could turn off the x-ray vision; that'll be something to look into.
Doubt I'll use the X-ray vision, I don't like how it looks. Be interested to see what the higher difficulties are like.

That article says 20th for Europe, others have said 23rd but the release is actually the 21st.
Doubt I'll use the X-ray vision, I don't like how it looks. Be interested to see what the higher difficulties are like.

That article says 20th for Europe, others have said 23rd but the release is actually the 21st.

The tech in this series is blatantly lacking in consistency. Back in Peace Walker, Big Boss was still using a surround indicator, to pick up sounds and locate enemies in a very crude fashion. But, fast-forward a few weeks later in the events of GZ, and he now has this high-tech Batman gear, with skeletal imaging and holographic maps :lol.

If I get this game earlier than I anticipated, I'd probably go for the highest difficulty with the X-ray thing off. I've gotten pretty good at MGS games, especially with MGS 4 - so, it'll be interesting to see how I do in this one.
i dont care about this game. i want the figures and art books. thats all i care about now because this stuff is boringly out of hand. this thread is the most boring part about it. all i can do is post negatively here because its blatantly obvious no one cares about it except for 1 or 2. the only thing to look forward to is the visuals and the figures. theres never anything good to discuss and there arent any people who arent ******** on it or over optimistically giving a **** about it. most anticipated game my ***. i want littlebigplanet3 more than this game.
Well, I’m very excited for it, and can’t wait to play it. Everything looks great so far. I seriously have no complaints in the gameplay department. From what we know about the story so far, everything has me excited, and I’m looking forward to Kiefer’s performance. I hope this glorified “demo” sells millions so we can get our hands on TPP earlier because from most of the reports I’ve been reading, the ending of GZ will make the wait for TPP extremely rough.
i dont care about this game. i want the figures and art books. thats all i care about now because this stuff is boringly out of hand. this thread is the most boring part about it. all i can do is post negatively here because its blatantly obvious no one cares about it except for 1 or 2. the only thing to look forward to is the visuals and the figures. theres never anything good to discuss and there arent any people who arent ******** on it or over optimistically giving a **** about it. most anticipated game my ***. i want littlebigplanet3 more than this game.

:goodpost: :exactly:

I'm honestly WAY more excited about Batman Arkham than this game :lol. But, I can't help but stay in here and watch as the metaphorical train-wreck unfolds with Kojima and his rather unpopular direction with MGS V. This series right now, is like seeing your child go off into the "wrong ways", and you can only hope that he changes.

I know what you mean, though. I hardly see Plis, Ryan, Gasper, Frank, and any of the other regulars in the thread anymore. I think everyone's gotten too tired of the discussions, and we're constantly just beating a dead horse into the ground to people who outright refuse to give any credence to critical thinking, that doesn't fall in line with "MGS is the most perfect series ever". It's very grating, indeed.

Well, I’m very excited for it, and can’t wait to play it. Everything looks great so far. I seriously have no complaints in the gameplay department. From what we know about the story so far, everything has me excited, and I’m looking forward to Kiefer’s performance. I hope this glorified “demo” sells millions so we can get our hands on TPP earlier because from most of the reports I’ve been reading, the ending of GZ will make the wait for TPP extremely rough.

I still think that MGS V should have been released as a single game. There's no reason why Kojima has to "test the waters" with GZ's success, when he hasn't done it with any of the previous games in the series. The fact is, that MGS games sell, and that alone should warrant an early release of TPP.
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dude, they turned big boss gay and gave him a jack bauer voice. they mind as well just made him look like keifer from lost boys and threw a bdu on him. i hate the new puma ad it makes me want to vomit. the product placement makes him look like a lackluster sellout. hideo kojima took any masculinity thats left of his character away. the ponytail seals the deal on it. maybe well find out that he lost his arm in ishmaels arsehole. they took quiets horrible cosplayer who cant seem to put her top on correctly and used her as the model for the figure. im going to have to fix that because it looks horribly bad. he wanted it to look like her **** were falling out the bottom i guess, her top is unnaturally smashing them in. all the stupid marketing and masking of the new mgs game thats happened too. im so ****ing bored its taking a toll on my brain. i cant possibly fathom why you care so much. ill play this when i hear other people are actually enjoying it. its just not that fun of a thought in my mind at this point in time. he obviously is doing this on purpose to cheapen the brand because he just doesnt care anymore. i keep tweeting him "thanks for turning big boss gay" comments in hopes he sees them. its people who say "oh i dont care its mgs" that ruins it for everyone else because he thinks its just fine after. i wish everyone would man up and **** all over it so it stays in production for another 3 years.
ill tell you what, im going to derail the thread with the new liam neeson movie. i just saw it tonight and its a work of art just like the first taken. it was so unbelievably good, i havent seen such a good movie in a long, long, long ,long, long, time.