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.Id like that info too please.
I dunno why but im surprised you hated it soo much Ryan. Also its for different reasons that what i was expecting, like difficulty. Did you like Tomb Raider? Out of any other game it reminded me the most of that.
The classic elements i miss the most is things like the codec. Kaz talking over the gameplay really bothers me. In MGS4 it wasn't intrusive in any way. CQC isnt as fun to me here. I always loved beating up guys in MGS but its harder to do now, i always end up throwing them instead.
Also there is definitely story here Ryan, while only a taste, did you not appreciate how much better this is edited as compared to say MGS4?
That bad?
I think this game is the most realistic game yet.I really can't find much i dislike about it.I do miss the wall knock though.
I miss the pat down from MGS4
Anyway guys, I'm doing my second playtrough of the game in a few hours for a better rank and the side missions. I'll admit the learning curve is incredibly steep and I' confident that firing up the game a second time would be much more enjoyable than my first disappointing impressions with the game.![]()
No, I didn't enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboot and I've stated my reasons on why over the span of several boards. Don't bother looking up my post but instead watch this entertaining video instead:
As for the story, my worst fear is that all the gore and sexual assaults will be used for shock factor and nothing more, which turned out to be true. one of my favourite movies is Schindler's List, and that used all kinds of violence to prove a point. A lot of my friends still find that movie hard to watch. This on the other hand, is handled with little integrity and finesses.
Yes it is hyper realistic, so much so that I thought "Damn, what if the older games had this level of gameplay?" Regardless, realism always doesn't equal a great game, just look at how many fans Gran Turismo is loosing over the years.
So did I! I was desperately trying to pat down some guys till I noticed that it's been removed. As a veteran of the series, I think they should have made it clear on what is new and was were removed.
All in all guys, like I said before- if you're intent on getting the game, please do. Don't let anyone or anything detract you from getting it and have fun with it. I'm worried that I might come off as someone who hates Kojima and Metal Gear, which I don't. I'm just surprised and disappointed at what him and the series has become.
Been in that boat for years now. TPP will probably be a blast to play since it's a sandbox game, I just find it odd that it's a sandbox MGS game...
Just found this on youtube, he made it clear.
Here's a question for all
Is GZ the best, and most happy you've been from playing a new MGS game on it's release? Like your first impressions of the game.
How would you rate it? along with the others
Here's a question for all
Is GZ the best, and most happy you've been from playing a new MGS game on it's release? Like your first impressions of the game.
How would you rate it? along with the others