I feel I should point out, I really liked your response! While I may not necessarily agree with it in some aspects, I can see where you're coming from and I can tell why you're definitely dissatisfied with the end result of MGS4's story. Mind you, this is something I've also pondered about, so my position isn't one where I completely disagree with you at all.
I think personally for me, it's not so much the ends of their actions, or even simply their beliefs, but how it all comes together for me. As quoted earlier, had Snake been in BB's position, Kojima blatantly claims he would've made the right choices unlike BB himself. When I say that Snake is the closest to being a heroic-protagonist, I mean that in the way of his general conduct. The fact that he and Otacon formed Philanthropy on their own is enough indication of that.
Personally I think it's more of the unfortunate circumstance that Kojima constructed the plot in such a way that disadvantages Snake's position. Not his moral standing in the story, but rather his sense of self and awareness of the events that makes him seem naive in MGS4 that contributes to that feeling of being kept in the dark. It got to the point where even IF Kojima acknowledged Ocelot and Big Boss as these flawed well-intentioned extremists (and he did, he was pretty clear on it in MGS4), they still proved to be far more knowledgeable in what was actually going on where it just felt unfair in comparison to who was being touted as the hero of the game that was Snake. By putting Snake in the position of a "carrier", it does devalue that sense of autonomy that's normally attributed to heroes and it makes Snake seem like pawn despite the fact that he's only doing what is right (as constantly shown and illustrated in the story and mentioned by Big Boss himself). The problem is, this notion of "Snake always does things right" got implemented haphazardly in MGS4 by putting him in a passive role (in a failed attempt to mirror MGS1 of all things, I suppose). What I mean is that, given Ocelot's plans, Snake just had to be his good old self for everything to fall into place. It doesn't make him bad or stupid for it (at this point he's pretty well-versed with the concept of The Patriots enough to know what it means to stop or let go of Ocelot even if it meant letting The Patriots live for another day), it just makes him feel less autonomous in the way of his designated actions as we never got to know his perspective towards the big picture (heck he even remains silent all throughout his conversation with Big Boss which made him seem even less involved).
In the end, while I think that Ocelot greatly contributed a huge chunk of it, I still maintain that Sunny was actually the one that ended up saving everyone. But that's the most grating thing, the fact that Snake just had to "deliver the goods" for Sunny while being the one to actualize Ocelot's plan at a certain point (before it hits on the scale of global anarchy that Ocelot was projecting) without actually making any independent contribution to the ending that would save everyone, it makes Snake seem passive for the viewers and practically uninvolved in this regard (a huge contrast to his role in MGS2 where he serves in opening Raiden's eyes to the world around him by actively engaging in conversations and helping him make sense of what's going on). In this regard, while I can get past it, I can definitely understand why you wouldn't feel content about this outcome at all. Maybe instead of just that, Snake had actually known that Sunny created a virus? Maybe Kojima could have presented a twist in that Snake's careless nonchalance turned out to be a foreshadowing of this knowledge where everyone else is presented as being on a depressed mood to contrast his attitude? Perhaps it would have worked in the way of Snake feeling more carefree since he knows he'll save everyone but will end up "dying" himself anyway? Either way, I can definitely see how such scenarios would have improved his position within the story than what we ended up getting.
That said, my maintained appreciation for Solid Snake has to do with The Boss' position in the story. I know after PW many folks came to hate her character, whereas for me it actually greatly strengthened her overall role. Some would argue that her role was revealed as being too passive in her conduct (which greatly reminded me of Snake). But I'd argue that it actually makes for a strong feminist argument in creating a very conflicted and tortured character that was snuffed out by a treacherous society. I guess the major difference is that The Boss seemed to carry out her passive role with an obvious sense of awareness towards it all (remaining strongly aware of her faults and convictions), whereas Snake seemed pretty clueless about it until he finally got to talk to Big Boss in the end.
As Henry pointed out, and this is an element I didn't mind, MGS4 was also made in the advent of all the FPS craze, so Snake was positioned in a digitized battlefield where participants are shown as being part of a machine-like system. In this regard there comes the theme of a hero like Snake being presented as both necessary but also left behind by the times which, while cool, it wasn't executed very effectively as Kojima kept bouncing between presenting it as a good thing or a bad thing. While I acknowledge that Kojima wasn't that successful in conveying this allegory on a thematic level, I did think it helped me in appreciating Snake's role a lot more than what I initially felt when I played MGS4. But hey I admit, it's definitely far from perfect (still wish that Snake had a bigger hand than simply being the carrier for Sunny's FOXALIVE), with that in mind, it's this perspective that still makes me appreciate Snake in MGS4 I guess.
A bit OT but since folks have started on it:
Oh man, you'll want every figure after you see the movie, I guarantee it
Hah! I'll have you know, while I greatly loved the film, I'm actually staying as far away from the figures as possible (Black Widow is tempting though as this is the first role she had where she felt much more involved in the story). I myself have been maintaining an all-villains collection, and since Red Skull already filled my Cap quota, I have a long time to wait until I can finally attain my holy grail that is Ultron.