Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

It comes down to people who will just go anywhere where Kojima takes them without question.

And the people who seem to be in the minority who are like WTF are you doing to this franchise?

No ill will to those people, I'm just getting tired of him anymore.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

It comes down to people who will just go anywhere where Kojima takes them without question.

And the people who seem to be in the minority who are like WTF are you doing to this franchise?

No ill will to those people, I'm just getting tired of him anymore.

That's pretty much what it comes down to. There's a large section of the fan base who'll buy into anything that Kojima throws out there, without really thinking about what's happening to the series. And then there are the folks in the minority, who are just wondering where all of this is going.

Surprisingly (or not), I've witnessed a lot more rabid behavior from MGS fans - especially on other boards, as compared to the RE fans who seem to unanimously agree that Capcom has messed up RE to a large extent. Just an observation.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

That's pretty much what it comes down to. There are a large section of the fan base who'll buy into anything that Kojima throws out there, without really thinking about what's happening to the series. And then there are the folks in the minority, who are just wondering where all of this is going.

Surprisingly (or not), I've witnessed a lot more rabid behavior from MGS fans - especially on other boards, as compared to the RE fans who seem to unanimously agree that Capcom has messed up the series a large extent. Just an observation.

I've always found that odd. I guess because there really wasn't a consistent leader to that franchises creation other than Shinji Mikami.

That guy knows what made the franchise great and he always kept the roots close to the chest when he made a sequel/remake.

I love the fact he thinks RE6 is garbage, very telling how Capcom runs things nowadays.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Surprisingly (or not), I've witnessed a lot more rabid behavior from MGS fans - especially on other boards, as compared to the RE fans who seem to unanimously agree that Capcom has messed up the series a large extent. Just an observation.

That's cause RE has really lost it's essence to the very roots, it's unrecognisable these days, and not even "good" unrecognisable, were that franchise has gone to qualifies for BULL****..

But MGS has divided in pretty much 2 paths for MGS fans BB and SS, yet, hasn't lost it's soul like RE did and pretty much comes down to what you like the most, there's no reason to choose though, at least for me.

It's true what the dude says, they're opinions, not facts, no matter what, they will never be facts, for me MGS2 was the most boring game of the franchise, in terms of gameplay and story, but boring for MGS standards of course.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

That's cause RE has really lost it's essence to the very roots, it's unrecognisable these days, and not even "good" unrecognisable, that game qualifies for BULL****..

But MGS has divided in pretty much 2 paths for MGS fans, yet, hasn't lost it's soul like RE did and pretty much comes down to what you like the most, there's no reason to choose though, at least for me.

The series still plays the same with stealth and all... but the story has been ripped to shreds with retcons and cop out answers.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I'm wondering if I should buy Operation Raccoon City. It's only $7.49 on steam :lol
if somebody was paying you a hourly wage to play the game id still politely decline
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

lol, the last RE game I played was RE 4. I literally have no idea what's going on with the franchise now. For some reason, I don't even want to open my copy of RE 5 that I bought a few years ago.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

The series still plays the same with stealth and all... but the story has been ripped to shreds with retcons and cop out answers.

The way I see it, there are 2 story arcs, SS arc and BB arc, both connect at some points, thus not messing up the flavor of the overall franchise, I don't see as many retcons as I see "add ons" to the story.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

lol, the last RE game I played was RE 4. I literally have no idea what's going on with the franchise now. For some reason, I don't even want to open my copy of RE 5 that I bought a few years ago.

RE5 still felt like a RE game. You should do it, it's not bad.

You don't need to know anything beyond RE2 to play ORC.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

lol, the last RE game I played was RE 4. I literally have no idea what's going on with the franchise now. For some reason, I don't even want to open my copy of RE 5 that I bought a few years ago.
people are too hard on re 5. its got some fun game play elements and actually continues the story from the first 3 games.

re ORC and 6 are the ones you want to avoid like they actually can transmit the t virus to you