3 Millions copies sold on day one
MGSV TPP UK sales:
PS4: 72%
XBONE: 22%
PS3: 3%
360: 2%
Does not include digital sales and PC
MGS5: The Phantom Pain es el juego más vendido de la semana en el Reino Unido • Eurogamer.es
I do not know the sales in USA, but if the percentages per platform are similar, then would explain a lot
Nice! Didn't it take MGS4 a month to sell that much?
Still unknown if this is counting down to an announcement.
Black Hound - Don't let Armageddon stop you.
The first intelligent and fair analysis on the gameplay and story by Gametrailers. The good, the bad, and the Hideous.
Looks like the story is heavily criticized, despite their 9.3 score. Full spoilers, naturally.
"You can removed TPP from the series and it changes nothing." Yep, definitely.
That, plus issues with Snake, Quiet, Ocelot, Miller, Eli, Mantis, are all addressed there. Pretty much echoes what we've been saying.
That's awesome, this might beat MGS2 for most sales in the series.