Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Oh Konami...
As fun as FOB can be for a limited time,i thought it was BS to begin with that you need to buy MB coins to relocate your FOB base or even start a second one.And now the insurance.There should really be an easy way to gather resources when you loose it so easily when someone infiltrate your base and since the Fuel resource is really scarce,there is always someone who infiltrate your base if you have enough of it.I wasn't able to upgrade my Mother Base to the fullest until a week after i completed the story.

Anyone else having trouble joining a MGO match?
Good for you, Pliss. I don't even have it in me to Plat anymore. I get nauseous seeing the same intro/chopper animations over and over. It's torture. Nathan Drake, save me!
Drake will probably blow up the chopper :lol
So I was looking online for information on whether you lose just resources and staff that are on your FOB, or can you lose staff also in your story mode Motherbase? Is it possible after not playing for a few month that all your staff will be gone from your Story MB?

Seems like i cant find a definitive answer.
Motherbase is never in danger, but your FOB is vulnerable all the time. And dependent upon how much you lose during an invasion, you'll be free from attack for 6-24 hours.

My advice is don't even bother doing combat deployments, all they manage to do is get staff killed over barely any resources.
So what is going with the Espionage ranks?

I am increasing, the page shows me battle
I mean I am not really fighting just seems like stats wars.

Can people attack your FOB even if you, like in my case, do not have Playstation Plus?
I can not attack people without logging in to PS+, so can other attack me? I mean I am "connected" to the server, but just cant actually do online due to not having PS+.
Pretty sure you're vulnerable even if you don't have Plus. The ranking system is completely ****ed up. I don't understand the PF rank, but the Esp. rank goes like this from what I can gather: The lower it is, the higher your rank. Mine fluctuates between 200-300. There was one guy that was level 70 that invaded me.

The average rank I see if in the 200,000s, which is newb level.
Such idiots on Reddit. I made a comment on how MGS4 looks better than V, and it gets a bunch of downvotes. Sorry, V is butt ugly and it looks like there's barely any resolution in it compared to other games out there on this gen. Some sections of the game are so full of obvious pixels.

An easy way to spot pixels, is any Diamond Dogs logo on motherbase for the most part.
cant believe that metal gear has come to this, very depressing. its so weird that even though the game isnt all that great that i still wanna collect stuff from it. its so perplexing that over the many years of being a fan that the end is nigh. sionara konami/kojima, its been a long journey.
Well the character designs are all still pretty cool so collectibles makes sense. What doesn't is how the better received and reviewed a MGS game is these days the worse it seems to actually be. How could reviewers be so opposite for the fans?
I traded it for credit. Twas a great game mind. Finally accepted it was a great game but a mediocre metal gear game. Still prefer BB to SS.

**** Quiet!

Spent all that $$$ upgrading her....

As of right now, the only "mission" I have left is Quiet's on Extreme, hoping more new stuff pops after it.

Like most of mentioned and even that video with the little annoying guy, I like the gameplay. I like how a lot is tied together. You cap people for you base, those people upgrade and unlock certain things better. Use those unlocks/upgrades to expand, etc.

I have never been huge into the story of MG, still really lost...but not really looking to find anything. So many games I ignore the story and just play.
With that, it is very easy for the repetitiveness to show. I dont know how many camps I have assaulted, how many times. No idea on how many people/vehicles/emplacement I have fultoned....or wormhole-d.

At times I really like the AI. How they interact at times, how they inform HQ and nearby bases, etc. How you can do different things with different buddies.
I am at the point where I am just going through and testing/using all the weapon types. Decoys, sleep gas, etc.
Other times I hate how you remove a tank, then the patrol passes back by as if nothing it wrong. Pretty sure I would be like, "Hey, wasnt there a tank there?"
Also their peripheral vision is garbage. Once you find that vision cone, "sneaking" up on people is fairly easy.

I like it, but it is shallow. The mechanics are nice, but the use of them can become repetitive.
From someone who hated how a certain company ran my Command and Conquer into the ground, I can see where MGS fans do not take kindly to this pieces.