Cliffy b believes he's a rockstar.
Oh yeah, can't forgot Cliffy

Cliffy b believes he's a rockstar.
The reason everyone is taking Kojima's side is because of how petty Konami has been acting. If Kojima was in the wrong who cares? They're making money of the game he created one last time then get rid of him. That's the ultimate win right there, but they wanted his named removed not just from V, but the legacy collection as well. Then blocking him from accepting 2 awards in one day (there was also a Japanese awards show MGSV won at). It all seems petty and malicious.
I loved MGSV so I'm totally happy with this being the final MGS from Hideo, it's just a shame we'll never get those remakes. That's all I wanted after this.
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Yup, I'm just happy we got MGSV and they didn't cancel like they did PT. In a perfect world, Sony would hire Kojipro and let him make some new original exclusive IPs. It'll be interesting to see where he ends up.
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Because this fanbase sucks and is blinder than a Batman. That's all I can say.Yeah. I just don't know why anyone wouldn't think Kojima is as much to blame as Konami.
Basically this. Even for a stealth game, it's not that great. The mechanics work, but everything around them isn't that spectacular.All I see is how Phantom Pain fell short of its potential, and how Kojima fell short of my expectations. It's not a great game man. Not with all the cut content, barren environments, and sparse dialog and plot (that's not MGS). Kojima got a raw deal from the corporate heads, but people need to smell the roses about this game and see it for what it really is. Quite frankly, if it were up to me personally, I wouldn't assign it any awards, whatsoever.
I really despise Kojima for that too. Other game creators don't really do that. Most of the Japanese ones can be weird (not to Kojima level, but considering some like Masahiro Sakurai are on good terms with Kojima, they come close for a reason) but none of them, none of them really match Kojima's other oddities.I was very put off, just by how he was blasting his name all over the place on Kojima Station, and all those selfie pics on Twitter, and the photos with him and celebrities. The funny thing is, I remember thinking, "Yes, I know you're Kojima, the #1 video game director of all time and space, you don't need viral self-marketing everyday to remind us about it". And then there was MGS V with the credits...
It did suck that they took his name out from the box art, though. Complaints aside, he's practically the last video game auteur in an industry, that's been completely take-over by faceless corporate entities. Can anyone name a familiar face behind Assassin's Creed, Halo, or COD? Me neither.
I actually hope MS does so that we can see his games on PC too.
Sony would definitely make it more interesting though.
I really like Kojima, he's one of the best talents in the industry and he's still showing, even in MGSV.
But I can't really take his side on this one, he did it to Hayter and now he's getting it, it's just clear and funny karma.
And yeah, he could also blame Konami for the unfinished game so Konami was protecting themselves from that.
I really like Kojima, he's one of the best talents in the industry and he's still showing, even in MGSV.
But I can't really take his side on this one, he did it to Hayter and now he's getting it, it's just clear and funny karma.
And yeah, he could also blame Konami for the unfinished game so Konami was protecting themselves from that.
The story makes perfect sense to me, you may hate it for your reasons, but the story isn't small either, you only get a full grasp after listening to hours of tapes, which I found enjoyable.