Controls here are definitely the best in the series.
I haven't had a single problem with the augmented realism, it's all consistent, a soldier in his physical peak should be able to sprint for several minutes, Big Boss should be above those standards, the hypothermia thing, I haven't even stayed that long under the rain, but hypothermia symptoms start showing after a couple hours not minutes, so everything fine by me there.
And I love the bulled drop and deviation, It always bugged me that a tranq gun had the same range and precision than a bullet gun, I don't know if you have noticed but getting head shots from a greater distance is way easier with the SMG, I find that consistency very satisfying.
The gameplay is on par with the last of us or even above because I find it way more sophisticated.
I can't rate this game as a full game, having not paid full price or if this was a 5$ game I'd have to give it a 9/10 or a 10/10, but I can completely justify any lower score from anyone who paid full price, if this was 5$ the reviews would be much better.
Story-wise I was all spoiled out when I started this game

it's super short, you can baaaarely taste it, but it does a very good job keeping you hooked, the Voice acting is superb, except for skullface, he still sounds somewhat cartoonish, audio-wise is gorgeous, it's moody and immersive, more subtle than in MGS4.
It's a shame the way Konami wanted to scam it's fan with the price.
Definitely will rebuy this for the PS4 when TPP comes, if the price drops or it's included in a pack with TPP.