MMS Diecast - Iron Man: 1/6th scale Mark III Collectible Figure

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Nice video! Never realized the bonus arc reactor has light-up function. Now that's worthy for an EX edition.
It came regular with the Original Mark II. So not only this "EX" is a rehash, there's a lot of them out there from a regular release.
looks like that arc reactor is the same as the one that came with the original Mark II...

It's a complete rehash...
I may be wrong but it looks like the shoulder pad armor was pushed forward hence covering the gap.
Im sure this has been covered, but what parts are diecast on this armor?

Number Six' video covered that. I think he said biceps, thighs and shins.

Edit: has anyone posted photos how far up the head can be tilted? Also how far articulation can go for elbows, knees, ankles and shoulder? Thanks!
Less gap in this video..
*Review* Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 3 Mark III Diecast Special Edition - YouTube

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I have really conflicting feelings on this figure. Been meaning to add something new to the menagerie for a while, and it was between this and Raiden - but both figures have some really hateful engineering choices I just can't get past.

In the case of this Mk III release I feel like while Hot Toys are getting much better at producing a flawless-looking figure (emphasis on 'looks' in the aesthetic sense), their engineering's going backwards with each iteration. I'm glancing over at my MK II AU while typing this, currently displayed with all flaps open, wrist shield deployed, both rockets halfway deployed and wondering why the hell they seem to be incapable of actually integrating these gimmicks into the figures nowadays and opting for static, swappable parts instead.

Further, the only real step forward in articulation on this figure seems to be the hips, they haven't bothered to integrate any of the smart engineering from the other diecast figures for the upper body into this version for reasons that are beyond me.

You know what? I'm going to complain about the torso too. That swappable plastic brick, which conveniently allows them to cut down on the diecast content, is an abomination.

yeah after watching that vid it is a little disappointing, like why didn't they just give us the full deal if it was going to be able to come apart. Like give us a full ab crunch waist, the reveal waist and chest, then of course the swivel waist for the ground pose. That would have sealed the deal for everyone and make sense.

I'd settle for just a swivel joint. In an ideal world though, I'd want it to work like every other modern Iron Man suit they've made and have the collapsable diaphragm joint. Didn't think this would work me up so much considering I didn't commit to preordering this figure, but here we are.
And why didn't they give us Magnetic chest plate . Where stuck with 2 tiny plastic pegs to hold it in place . Come on Hot Toys ? ITS DIECAST for god sake . My plastic peg broke off on my Mark 6 and I was being very careful . STRIKE 2 for this figure !
Wow...Number Six's video really pumped me for the figure, much more than Budget's (no offence).

It seems that it is actually very advisable to read carefully the instructions or watch these videos as there seems to be enough fragile parts.
I mean I don't ever plan to display that exposed torso, maybe just once when I initially play around with the figure. Which yes is a bummer because I doubt many of us will and if it wasn't there than there is the ab articulation. I think if you have both figures (this and construction version) maybe it'd make a nice combo to have both "exposed".
But yeah looks great regardless.

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Hey guys let's give to Caesar what is Caesar's!

The video is not mine, is by youtuber KingTrooper Boi ;)
I just found it and post it to share here with you :)

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That's actually severely disappointing. I would rather have had a lower waist swivel and no swappable section, to be honest. [...]
Beautifully-made figure, though.


Well...that's money saved. It looks absolutely gorgeous and classic, and the photos alone had me sold, but those video reviews have solidly changed my mind.

I don't re-pose all that frequently, but I collect action figures precisely because I'm an articulation junkie and want the option to create very subtle poses with minute adjustments. I don't need him to do yoga but not being able to so much as swivel the torso or ab this price? Deal-breaker for me. Real shame as I thought this one looked otherwise perfect.

Maybe if they do a Mark IV down the line with articulation/engineering similar to their Mark 42, I'll bite.

That being said, it's beautiful and I expect anyone with an Iron Man focus should be all over this thing.
Well...that's money saved. It looks absolutely gorgeous and classic, and the photos alone had me sold, but those video reviews have solidly changed my mind.

I don't re-pose all that frequently, but I collect action figures precisely because I'm an articulation junkie and want the option to create very subtle poses with minute adjustments. I don't need him to do yoga but not being able to so much as swivel the torso or ab this price? Deal-breaker for me. Real shame as I thought this one looked otherwise perfect.

Maybe if they do a Mark IV down the line with articulation/engineering similar to their Mark 42, I'll bite.

That being said, it's beautiful and I expect anyone with an Iron Man focus should be all over this thing.

Yeah i think from a selling stand point that Hot Toys did theme selves a disfavour by adding in the removable torso and thus removing ab articulation.
I do believe it is the sticking point for buyers ever since it was first revealed. And actually another minus to the torso is that becauSe it is plastic it has less Diecast, if that truly matters to buyers.
I love this armor, I don't repose too too much and I love the way this turned out. But yeah hot toys should always add that ab articulation to the iron man figures going forward.

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I've abandoned my dream of having original 7 in hall of armor setup :thud: I don't even like this armor that much and I would have to buy it twice for the inevitable MK II diecast variant. The thought of dropping $300+ USD for each armor, more on HoA, the years of the Canadian dollar going down the drain...nah, not worth it. I'm just gonna pray for MK 6 diecast and get that as the definitive IM armor, since I like that design the best. MK3 design looks a bit dated frankly. I would also like MK 5 in diecast in the near future, with Race suit Tony Stark as 2 pack :yess: