1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Comeon that's only in japan, superman and batman are classic american heroes even before most of us were born. Where as those stupid video game characters are all japanese based so obviously it's more popular over there right now, they are just a fad and very few will stood the test of time. In 10-20 years everyone would still want this superman figure, where as all those "snake" statues will be worthless junk.

It's like saying gm cars are more popular in america than toyota. That's clearly true since gm are american cars where as toyota are japanese.....oh wait...crap..


American bigotry is the worst.

The ignorance is strong with this one.

:lecture :clap :lecture :clap

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I guess that it's all a question of generation.

True, for me those MGS figs are absolutely worthless... but so is the whole video game industry since I don't play video games.

So yes, for me, belonging to the CR Superman generation, Superman is iconic and MGS is just obscure.

However, for the younger generation, Superman is an old-fashioned movie with outdated SFX and I guess they may like it more than Supes because they grew up with it!

Only time will tell which wll be more iconic in 20 years. I tend to think Supes because the character has a long past, just like Mickey or Batman, but I may be wrong.

However, for the moment, ask anyone in the street, anywhere in the world and I'm sure they've heard of Supes. I'm not sure my parents have ever heard of MGS. It takes generations to make a character iconic...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I guess that it's all a question of generation.

True, for me those MGS figs are absolutely worthless... but so is the whole video game industry since I don't play video games.

So yes, for me, belonging to the CR Superman generation, Superman is iconic and MGS is just obscure.

However, for the younger generation, Superman is an old-fashioned movie with outdated SFX and I guess they may like it more than Supes because they grew up with it!

Only time will tell which wll be more iconic in 20 years. I tend to think Supes because the character has a long past, just like Mickey or Batman, but I may be wrong.

However, for the moment, ask anyone in the street, anywhere in the world and I'm sure they've heard of Supes. I'm not sure my parents have ever heard of MGS. It takes generations to make a character iconic...

Disagree 100%. It's a matter of taste, not age. I'm old enough that I've seen all of the Superman films in the theatre, yet I happen to love video games and will be picking up the MGS figures I don't already own duplicates of.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

movie is a bigger deal than video game. it just is, by default. movies form and permeate our pop culture better than any other forms of entertainment. and classics movies are timeless. doesnt matter what generations you belong to... you can be born 5 decades ago or you can be born today, and you can still hear about a classic, watch it, and be a fan for life.

video game has a lifespan simply because the tech/console is ever evolving. in 5-10 years nobody will care about the hottest video game of today simply because nobody plays old video game, whereas even some old black and white films are collecting fans everyday.

so i'm sorry to mgs fans(i count myself as one as well), but supes > snake, by default.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, but Supes isn't just big because of this movie series... he had a bit of a following before that. I think there were comics or something like that :lol

And I'd say Mario is a videogame character that easily rivals some of our most popular film icons. And that certainly had nothing to do with his big screen debut :lol

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

movie is a bigger deal than video game. it just is, by default. movies form and permeate our pop culture better than any other forms of entertainment. and classics movies are timeless. doesnt matter what generations you belong to... you can be born 5 decades ago or you can be born today, and you can still hear about a classic, watch it, and be a fan for life.

video game has a lifespan simply because the tech/console is ever evolving. in 5-10 years nobody will care about the hottest video game of today simply because nobody plays old video game, whereas even some old black and white films are collecting fans everyday.

so i'm sorry to mgs fans(i count myself as one as well), but supes > snake, by default.

Though I would tend to think so, I think this isn't true anymore, unfortunately. I read somewhere that 2010 is the first year when video games returns have been superior to movie returns, at least in the USA.

It's sad for me because what's prevented me so far from becoming a video games fan is the poor quality of the pictures, but the day the whole game becomes as good as, say, Avatar, then the movie industry can really start to worry!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

movie is a bigger deal than video game. it just is, by default. movies form and permeate our pop culture better than any other forms of entertainment. and classics movies are timeless. doesnt matter what generations you belong to... you can be born 5 decades ago or you can be born today, and you can still hear about a classic, watch it, and be a fan for life.

video game has a lifespan simply because the tech/console is ever evolving. in 5-10 years nobody will care about the hottest video game of today simply because nobody plays old video game, whereas even some old black and white films are collecting fans everyday.

so i'm sorry to mgs fans(i count myself as one as well), but supes > snake, by default.

the tech may change but the license is what people will still dig. street fighter is what, 20 years old? it has been through several platforms and people are still crazy for those characters. same could be said for metal gear, halo, etc. halo has come a long way since it first debuted. i don't see any of them having a lifespan any different than if they had just been a movie character, etc.

Though I would tend to think so, I think this isn't true anymore, unfortunately. I read somewhere that 2010 is the first year when video games returns have been superior to movie returns, at least in the USA.

It's sad for me because what's prevented me so far from becoming a video games fan is the poor quality of the pictures, but the day the whole game becomes as good as, say, Avatar, then the movie industry can really start to worry!

i read a similar article. it was using COD: black ops as the example of one of the games that made the movie industry take note because of the insane amount of money that game made in such a short amount of time. also talked about the halo property and its, i don't know, market presence i guess, and its not being a movie property, etc.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, but Supes isn't just big because of this movie series... he had a bit of a following before that. I think there were comics or something like that :lol

Get out of the city! Where did you hear this?!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Angry Orc, I love your avatar! Yojimbo and Sanjuro have got to be soe of the best movies, ever!

... love them so that I'm presently working on moding a Mifune head to make my V2 Sanjuro!!! :D
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, but Supes isn't just big because of this movie series... he had a bit of a following before that. I think there were comics or something like that :lol

And I'd say Mario is a videogame character that easily rivals some of our most popular film icons. And that certainly had nothing to do with his big screen debut :lol
supes was big in comics, but was made much bigger by donner's film. you take any good idea and splash it on the big screen for the world to see, it will have lasting impact in the collective consciousness. no other medium today is more powerful than film.

Though I would tend to think so, I think this isn't true anymore, unfortunately. I read somewhere that 2010 is the first year when video games returns have been superior to movie returns, at least in the USA.

It's sad for me because what's prevented me so far from becoming a video games fan is the poor quality of the pictures, but the day the whole game becomes as good as, say, Avatar, then the movie industry can really start to worry!
halo 3 made more banks than the biggest movie of that year. but we're not talking about gross here. we're talking about longevity, we're talking about legacy. blade runner failed at the box office when first released, but asked nolan what movie influenced him most when making the dark knight. without blade runner as inspiration, dark knight would be a very different movie.

the tech may change but the license is what people will still dig. street fighter is what, 20 years old? it has been through several platforms and people are still crazy for those characters. same could be said for metal gear, halo, etc. halo has come a long way since it first debuted. i don't see any of them having a lifespan any different than if they had just been a movie character, etc.
this new ht supes that you all go ga-ga for is of reeve's supes, correct? would you go just as wild for a george reeves's supes, or dean cain's supes, or even routh's supes? of course not. it's not the superman license or the superman franchise that you love, but the singular character, from that singular donner film.

it's one film, made only once decades ago, but can still have impact for... ever. a baby can be born today, and in 2 decades can still find that old donner film and watch it and love it. street fighters and mario bros have to be remade and reinvented for each new generation to keep up with the competition. and they have to do it, or they'd be lost in the dust. that's not everlasting, that's prolonging. a classic movie only has to do nothing, and audience will still find it. my sister just last year started watching charlie chaplin films and becomes a fan. i watch citizen kane, a movie made in 1941, in the 90s. i just cant foresee anyone to still be playing the hottest video game of today in 2 years.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

street fighters and mario bros have to be remade and reinvented for each new generation to keep up with the competition. and they have to do it, or they'd be lost in the dust. that's not everlasting, that's prolonging. a classic movie only has to do nothing, and audience will still find it
You better be referring to the Street Fighter and Mario Bros. video games, and not the films :mad:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

You better be referring to the Street Fighter and Mario Bros. video games, and not the films :mad:
the games, of course. :lol i would still welcome another attempt at live actions though, for both licenses. even the game-to-film curse has to break sometimes, and one day someone worthy will make a cool street fighter film. and when that happens, rest assured that one single film will take the street fighters brand to new height that the games, in many of its incarnations, never even got close to reaching.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Angry Orc, I love your avatar! Yojimbo and Sanjuro have got to be soe of the best movies, ever!

... love them so that I'm presently working on moding a Mifune head to make my V2 Sanjuro!!! :D

:rock totally agree, man. love both of them.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I love seeing pics of this figure. :yess:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

That's the first set of pics I've seen where I'm not really feeling the sculpt. I imagine it's just the lighting though.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

IMDb doesn't have the quotes. :(