1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

You're such a ______ Maglor. There have been times where I've liked you and thought you were alright but then you always got to turn around and be a ******.

From now on, any time I see the handle Maglor, I'll know that that guy is just talking out of his ass. Won't even have to read a word of your posts to hate you.

Wow. Are you serous? :huh

This is the douchiest sentence in this thread:

Superman Returns sucks, here's why.


People who run around with an unearned arrogance and a serious false sense of sophistication often just front for serious self confidence issues and a lack of intelligence.

You think I am somehow displaying "unearned arrogance" here? I have almost zero interest in the subject at hand, and I made one post (actually 2 back-to-back). That post was directed at 1) DiFabio for being an arrogant ____ 2) you, who are needlessly blasting everybody presenting very reasonable evidence. Good lord, you two are the most arrogant people on the freaks boards...

How you can see my post as arrogant but not Fabio's post is beyond me. I don't care if he thinks Superman Returns sucks, but to say "Superman Returns sucks [fact], here's why", and then list his opinions is arrogance of the highest order.

But then again DiFabio is the Robin to your Batman so I guess it's okay...
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Didn't Brian Singer discuss openly the Jesus/Savior analogy?
I always thought it was pretty obvious myself.

Edit: Here you go...Nam will say singer is wrong as well!!

"Many moviegoers criticized the third act, in which Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) stabs Superman with a shard of kryptonite, but then the two characters don't appear onscreen again for the rest of the movie. In defending the scene, Singer said he tried to insert a religious analogy his storytelling, which was probably too "heavy" for a summer movie.

"I've always felt that the origin of Superman is the story of Moses -- the child sent on a ship to fulfill a destiny," said Singer, a producer on the upcoming "X-Men: First Class." "And this was a story about Christ -- it's all about sacrifice: The world, I hear their cries. So what happens? He gets the knife in the side and later he falls to the earth in the shape of a crucifix. It was kind of nailing you on the head, but I enjoyed that, because I've always found the myth of Christ compelling and moving. So I hoped to do my own take, which is heavy s--- for a summer movie."
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Didn't Brian Singer discuss openly the Jesus/Savior analogy?
I always thought it was pretty obvious myself.

Exactly. I didn't think it was up for discussion. Maybe those denying it are just trollin'. :dunno
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

So back to the films and or figure (rather than watch another thread become a dull slanging match)
Really looking to this figure and it's making me break my vow on hot toys comic figures

As for superman returns... Well shot some greats bits and routh was great. The storyline was weak and had too many similarities to the original but not in a good way

Sad routh didn't get another shot At it but looking forward to the new one.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Double post
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But then again DiFabio is the Robin to your Batman so...

Okay, so anytime I post a peeve about you and Nam comes chiming in, that makes me Robin. Yeah, okay. You've said this before, and you know what, ____ Nam. I can't help that other people agree with me from time to time. That's just not fair. How insulting.

More times or not I see your little baby confrontations with other members. The sandbox rings a bell. Are they Nam's sidekicks as well? You seem to have quite a few issues with Nam, are you in love with him? If so, how is that my problem? Just because you guys seem to have a feud doesn't mean you have to start calling me out and ripping me.

Anyway, you're the only one that seems to have taken offense to my "Superman Returns sucks, here's why" (honestly to anyone reading this, does that post ACTUALLY offend you?). You are as petty as you are stupid. So, what, I made a thread and listed why it sucks? Big deal. Yeah, accuse me of being arrogant, I don't care. Everyone here acts like this at some point on here. The post was part serious and part playful like 90% of my posts. Some of the things I listed are problems I actually have with the film while others are issues we've ALL read about. Atleast I have a personality.

I posted it and forgot about it. If I really wanted to shine people on with my "arrogant" self I'd keep on _____ing about it.

But then, here comes Maglor, frolicking in with his little basket of hate picking small baby fights with everyone. If it isn't about TnA it's about opinions, if it isn't about opinions it's about someone being "too harsh".

*straightens tie*

Wow, I almost lost my composure there.

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yes. I am in love with NAM. :love
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Who are you people?? Very entertaining morning. Thank you
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

You think I am somehow displaying "unearned arrogance" here? I have almost zero interest in the subject at hand, and I made one post (actually 2 back-to-back). That post was directed at 1) DiFabio for being an arrogant ____ 2) you, who are needlessly blasting everybody presenting very reasonable evidence. Good lord, you two are the most arrogant people on the freaks boards...

How you can see my post as arrogant but not Fabio's post is beyond me. I don't care if he thinks Superman Returns sucks, but to say "Superman Returns sucks [fact], here's why", and then list his opinions is arrogance of the highest order.

But then again DiFabio is the Robin to your Batman so I guess it's okay...

It's funny how people agree with me and that makes you "ill." Because you're blind to what you look at in the mirror every day. I don't think it's so much as people seeing my posts and saying, "yeah, I agree with NAM" so much as it is most people are just too reserved to speak their minds. People don't like you, as a person. And not just a few people here, A LOT. Whether it be your continual condescending BS, lack of compassion and expectation of back patting, or your misogynistic, borderline harassing of female collectors here. It's not that people don't understand you either. We all do. We have since you joined and will when you leave. We. Just. Don't. Like. YOU!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Anyway, you're the only one that seems to have taken offense to my "Superman Returns sucks, here's why" (honestly to anyone reading this, does that post ACTUALLY offend you?).

well since you asked, I did take some offense to it. I really liked the film and wasn't too keen on some of the reasons you posted like the "real estate Luthor" part since Singer's Superman is supposed to be a branch from Donner's film, it just seems right to have Lutor be the same as he was in the originals. Also the part of fans of the film only liking it b/c it's the only modern Superman film. Not true for me. And for visuals, the Plane scene was pretty great. But we're both just shooting our opinions of the movie so no point in getting too upset about things, though your list did seem as though you were stating them as factual rather than opinionated.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I didn't take offense to DiFab's post. I merely saw it as DiFab being DiFab. :wave
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I didn't take offense to DiFab's post. I merely saw it as DiFab being DiFab. :wave

I figured the same for the most part but it still erked me to some extent and since he asked I figured I'd just go a head and answer
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I figured the same for the most part but it still erked me to some extent and since he asked I figured I'd just go a head and answer

Give him a small bit of credit though. Some people talk ____ about it despite never seeing it. :lol
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Well it turns out this isn't a Superman Returns movie thread anyway, so how about let's steer this conversation back over to the figure of interest?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

It's funny how people agree with me and that makes you "ill." Because you're blind to what you look at in the mirror every day. I don't think it's so much as people seeing my posts and saying, "yeah, I agree with NAM" so much as it is most people are just too reserved to speak their minds. People don't like you, as a person. And not just a few people here, A LOT. Whether it be your continual condescending BS, lack of compassion and expectation of back patting, or your misogynistic, borderline harassing of female collectors here. It's not that people don't understand you either. We all do. We have since you joined and will when you leave. We. Just. Don't. Like. YOU!


If you think the above statements are fair and true, please tell me. If you are not comfortable with saying it publicly, then please do so privately.

@ thenammagazine, I am honestly very hurt by what you said. I know that is your intent, and I am playing into your hands by admitting it, but I have to say it.

I didn't take offense to DiFab's post. I merely saw it as DiFab being DiFab. :wave

If you really believe that I am condescending, lacking in compassion, and misogynistic, why can't that just be your idea of who I am and that's that? Why can't it just be Mag being Mag? Why do you constantly have to assault me publicly?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

well since you asked, I did take some offense to it.

Well then I am sorry the intent of my post wasn't to tear down someone that likes the film, even though I don't agree.

It's funny though, you care deeply about Superman Returns and yet you ignored my post and didn't respond. Maglor admitted that he didn't give a damn about Superman Returns and, sure enough he had to find MY post and criticize it.

We may not agree Gipetto about the film, but thanks for not calling me out.

I tend not to use "my opinion" and I usually belt off what I'm thinking if it's a throw away post, that includes things I don't like. If people in this thread like Superman Returns, good, but I don't. I'm sure there are other things we could agree on.

Well it turns out this isn't a Superman Returns movie thread anyway, so how about let's steer this conversation back over to the figure of interest?

This isn't the Superman Returns thread?


Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I used to let ____ bug me, but now I just say "thats ____ being ____". :lecture

Fill in the blanks with any number of names and that is pretty much my attitude anymore.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

If you really believe that I am condescending, lacking in compassion, and misogynistic, why can't that just be your idea of who I am and that's that? Why can't it just be Mag being Mag? Why do you constantly have to assault me publicly?

Because unlike you, DiFab does it in a way that's not disgustingly offensive. He tries to add a bit of silliness into it that almost warrants immediate dismissal. That's why there's such a stark contrast between his a-typical posts and when he's serious. My intent wasn't to hurt you. It was me responding as I would to any other poster quoting my post. If you'd told me what you posted face to face, I would've told you this to your face. I can also add, that when people post "I agree with NAM," it doesn't go to my head. This isn't an ego thing. I was this same guy when I joined and will be looooooooong after I leave. I never believe in sugarcoated handjobs because I hate the fact that people just can't say what they mean without some silly little entitlement ****** taking offense to it. Yes, I know, that makes me an ___hole, but I couldn't care less.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I thought Watchmen sucked the first time I saw it. I loved the comic way back when. Thought the movie blew it. I hated things that were changed. I thought it was uninspired to mimic some things from the comic so closely without bringing anything new. I thought it was violent earlier in places that didn't make sense and not violent enough at the end when it mattered.

A few months ago I got bored channel flipping and there it was. I watched it again and it somehow really enjoyed it. Somehow I watched it without the baggage of expectations and I saw it differently.

I did the same thing with Star Trek:TMP. I thought it was boring and pretentious the first time I saw it. It wasn't "Star Wars" enough. Later I came to enjoy its more serious tone when compared to some of the other films.

Blade Runner was despised by the critics when it was released. Through the years people have come to view it as a classic.

Over time I think people will re-evaluate Superman Returns. There are story problems and things that bug even me. But Routh reminded me of Christopher Reeve. I thought there was some heart in the film. It's a mistake to think the movie is without merit.

But anyone is free to think it sucks. It's just a movie.