1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

My intent wasn't to hurt you.

I don't mind you having whatever opinion of me you might have. What hurt was the "We. Don't. Like. YOU" - speaking for all Sideshow Freaks. Honestly, if I believed that were true, why would I ever come back here. I love this hobby on it's own but I'm a people person before I'm a thing person. Therefore without this community I would give up the hobby. So yes, what you said hurt.

I used to let ____ bug me, but now I just say "thats ____ being ____". :lecture

Fill in the blanks with any number of names and that is pretty much my attitude anymore.

This is the last post I saw today before leaving for work. I've been thinking on it hard all day. I contains great wisdom that can be applied to all areas of life, but especial on-line.

I have only had problems with 4 members here. 2 will go unnamed because they are not a part of this. The other 2 are NAM and to a lesser extent DiFabio. At some point I have actually entertained suspicions that all of these might be sociopaths (not because of things they have said to me specifically, but because of things they say in general). I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just shows that I take the stuff they say here waaaay to seriously. As DiFabio said, the post I took exception to was 90% in jest. I guess a part of me knew that (and a part of me was replying in jest), but a lager part of me was just taking it too seriously. DiFabio is not a sociopath. And although he has admitted to having a high opinion of himself, he is someone I like to share the boards with most of the time.

Honestly, looking back at nearly all the run-ins I have had with these 4 members have had to do with me taking other peoples posts and myself too seriously. Never once has doing that made my time here more enjoyable. So why do I keep doing it?! :banghead

Because unlike you, DiFab does it in a way that's not disgustingly offensive.

I am sorry that I have been offensive. However, I think that your low opinion of me has effected the way you interpret some of my posts. I do the same thing to you. I'll try not to anymore.

@ DiFabio: I am sorry for starting this whole thing. If I had taken lightly the part of your post where you said "Superman Returns sucks, here's why" none of this would have happened. I'm gonna stop that ____ as of now.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Back on topic. How 'bout this for a stand:


Somebody posted it in the Spiderman thread, and it might work here too. My only concern would be that the goose-neck would be too weak.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

a lesser extent DiFabio. At some point I have actually entertained suspicions that all of these might be sociopaths (not because of things they have said to me specifically, but because of things they say in general). I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just shows that I take the stuff they say here waaaay to seriously. As DiFabio said, the post I took exception to was 90% in jest. I guess a part of me knew that (and a part of me was replying in jest), but a lager part of me was just taking it too seriously. DiFabio is not a sociopath. And although he has admitted to having a high opinion of himself, he is someone I like to share the boards with most of the time.

@ DiFabio: I am sorry for starting this whole thing. If I had taken lightly the part of your post where you said "Superman Returns sucks, here's why" none of this would have happened. I'm gonna stop that ____ as of now.


Now see, I don't really know what to make of this. I don't really take the internet too seriously, so usually I'd accept an apology and think it was no big deal but this is just nuts. It's like being attacked and then having the offender coming back a few hours later with bandages and apologizing.

Like I've said before, I've considered us on good terms when you seem genuinely pleasant but then you just change and become contradictory and cynical. I guess I just don't get it. I don't know if you're bipolar or if you just want to antagonize and repel others.

Personally, I think you're too high-strung. You have these ranges of emotions that are too hard to deal with. Try to be nice and you get paranoid and think the actions aren't sincere. Other times you'll be in a joking mood then get all pouty and offended.

I've disagreed and agreed with just about every member on here but man, you're a rare case.

Anyhoo, these last couple of posts in this thread make us all look like little _____es, myself included. Best to just move on and stay on topic until next time.

So about this Hot Toys Superman....


Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Better lighting and you can really start seeing the quality in that sculpt.

Where did you find that pic? Are there more new images?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Better lighting and you can really start seeing the quality in that sculpt.

Where did you find that pic? Are there more new images?
That's not new. Plastic Enemies blog posted a handful employing photoshop and fancy backgrounds the day it was released (or maybe the day after).
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

That would explain why I missed it. I don't spend much time on Plastic Enemies.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, like Kara said, they're not new.

And yes, there are more,

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Looking at the Matty figure on ebay I see it now. Def the same stand. I don't like the lower portion of the stand. It looks like it would tip easily.

I also want to display the figure 'in flight'. I imagine this figure will use the same clip as Mech Test Tony. I wonder how hard it would be to find an acrylic rod in the same size the clip uses, then heat and bend to shape. (hmmm.....)

I'm gonna go bend a c-clamp stand up and see if that'll support the weight of a figure. If so, I can deal with a white stand and the metal. Still don't trust the clear plastic of the HT stand given my experience with Medis.

Back on topic. How 'bout this for a stand:


Somebody posted it in the Spiderman thread, and it might work here too. My only concern would be that the goose-neck would be too weak.

Glad i'm not the only one wanting a stand for aerial posing, i've seen people requesting customs so i posted this thread after i realized i wanted superman
and spider-man in aerial poses...

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Returns is not a perfect film, but it is a good one. I can nitpick it but I'm more impressed by Singer's devotion to the old series. He made a genuine effort to live up to the Christopher Reeve films.

I love the big blue swooshing titles. I love John Williams theme music. I thought the emphasis on the characters was justified in Returns. I will miss those things in the reboot.

Brandon Routh paid the biggest price of anyone involved. He played it very close to Christopher Reeve's portrayal and it turned out to be a thankless task. His career is in the dumper and he doesn't deserve it. He could have been great in a sequel film.

I've felt for a while this film worked better as an end than a beginning. As an alternate closing chapter to Superman 1+2 it's successful and quite moving. If viewed as a beginning for a new trilogy it fails. It doesn't set the stage well for a Superman Returns Pt.2. On that level I'm glad there won't be another Singer Superman film.

I liked Returns and think its a fun movie. Seeing Superman do some Superhuman feats was pretty kewl. Sure it could have been better and maybe not have the kid be his.

I think it's main flaw was ignoring Superman 3 & 4. Those movies came out. They exist. People that know Superman know they exists. So why ignore them? Cause they carry a sigma? Who cares. Those films do not change anything that happens in Returns.

Would be the same if a Matrix 4 comes out that ignores 2 and 3. Would be lame.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


Now see, I don't really know what to make of this. I don't really take the internet too seriously, so usually I'd accept an apology and think it was no big deal but this is just nuts. It's like being attacked and then having the offender coming back a few hours later with bandages and apologizing.


I didn't attack. That was all apology.

If you are offended by the "sociopath" comment, I fully acknowledged that as being a product of taking things too seriously. It was in the past. It was not rational. And my intent is to try and view others in a more favorable (or at least indifferent) light from now on.

Personally, I think you're too high-strung.


This I can't argue with.

I've disagreed and agreed with just about every member on here but man, you're a rare case.

Well, we will continue to disagree and agree. I just hope that it never becomes an issue like this again.

I'll spare everyone from more off-topic stuff and continue in PM. :peace
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Glad i'm not the only one wanting a stand for aerial posing, i've seen people requesting customs so i posted this thread after i realized i wanted superman
and spider-man in aerial poses...


Interesting. Did you look into the one fosing posted?

have you thought about using the old bbi stands? they're good for leaping, mid-air poses/shots...the only downside is you need to position each ball properly.


...and oh, spidey's leotard...ripped!? :panic:
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Interesting. Did you look into the one fosing posted?

Yet another stand I would comfortably trust supporting the weight of a $200+ figure. Those're great for supporting running poses, or Matrix-like limbo leaning where there're other points of contact on the ground to distribute weight, but posed up, supporting the whole weight of the figure, pass.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I think the clamp and clear post of this one can be a good start. Just attach it to a better base. I mean the clamp is screwed tight not spring loaded.

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Wow! No way that's gonna bend!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I think the clamp and clear post of this one can be a good start. Just attach it to a better base. I mean the clamp is screwed tight not spring loaded.


Wow just Wow! were can we get one of those?:clap