1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah I'm still very much looking forward to this one. The Superman theme will be blaring in my gaff in December for sure even if it isn't being played right now.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Nobody gives a ____ about this anymore.

Last year, this is all people talked about for 10 months straight. Everyone panicked and it got all this attention. Now it's been shown, things have settled, people have their orders and well, that's that.

Yeah, things will pick up a bit when it finally ships and in hand pics are shown but I don't think it will ever hit the hype it had when it was originally announced. It died off pretty quick.

I guess that's bound to happen with current attention spans and the sheer amount of figures Hot Toys has planned.

I'm excited to get it (I preordered the exclusive), but I gotta admit, I don't care too much about it anymore. I can already imagine what it will be like to own it.

The same thing will happen to Batman 89 and the Nicholson Joker if people are happy with their prototypes, because I think there would be more posting in this thread, if more people were unhappy with how Supes looked. As you say things will pick up once he's out
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah absolutely a-dev, this is a landmark figure. I'm thrilled to know that I'm only a few months away from owning one! It doesn't get much better than this guy, Keaton Batman, Jack Joker, & the Arnolds. :lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

The same thing will happen to Batman 89 and the Nicholson Joker

Picture of the figure has been on my wallpaper ever since HT posted one. If I can find the room I'll probably display him all by himself.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Of all the Hot Toys I got on order, which is six, this one is my most anticipated.

Not much else to talk about until the figure is out is there?!
Plus I would sooner have a dead then revived thread rather than a thread that decends into negative weirdness like the Batman thread.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I didn't care about this when it was announced, or for the ten months after. Now that it's ordered, I'm pretty goddamned excited. He and the new Bruce Wayne are going to make a killer World's Finest display.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I want this guy too - but I never said I was happy with the proto - Arnie Kim is overrated. I wish Song Hye Hyun had done this sculpt
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Haha so you want to kick start this thread? Fine.

Sculpt is off - refer to photoshop 4774458 pages ago
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Speak for yourself. There isn't an upcoming figure I anticipate more than this one.

Just because it's not continually discussed to death like the Batman stuff doesn't mean it's not highly anticipated.

It's a must-own, we've seen tons of pics, and it's been ordered. What else is there to discuss?

:exactly:X2 grail figure!! And i also think a lot of people just got outta this thread for obvious reasons.

Can't wait!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Even thought there are some amazing looking HT figures coming out (Captain Jack, Batman Begins, Captain America...), it's Superman and the '89 Batman figures that are highest on my list.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Im sorry but this just needs to be posted again

Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I want this guy too - but I never said I was happy with the proto - Arnie Kim is overrated. I wish Song Hye Hyun had done this sculpt

I feel the same way, I don't like Arnie Kim's sculpts..
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

God that looks good. With all this stuff coming almost forgot how amazing this going to be. Like Spiderman, simple but elegant costume but this has a great head sculpt.
Im sorry but this just needs to be posted again
