Super Freak
and V =p, and then maybe II
Honestly, i dont like the V that much at all...looks too skinny too me...loved it in the film though
except III lol
i would bet money that 6-12 months after this figure is released the price will double...he'll be in the same category as the Tumbler
CSC if you dont live in Cali...or Alter Ego
CSC is Usually second fastest to get the items out though since they arent to far from sideshow...they are usually only a week behind them
it all depends where you are...i have to pay tax at AE and dont order from them enough for any reward points to matter
it all depends where you are...i have to pay tax at AE and dont order from them enough for any reward points to matter
I prefer ordering from AE, instead of CSC or SSC, for the same reason.
AE will also take the HT shipper and put inside another larger shipping box.
Bottom line, as Nick indicated, it really depends on your location as most of the time their prices are identical.
that wont be for at least a year though