New Ghostbusters Figures

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Initially $60.00 USD plus shipping which was at least 10 bucks in the states.


Thanks for this!

I saw someone on e-bay pre-selling this for around $500 for the whole set!

Sure with I'm there in the states so I can buy this set :(

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Please Mattel, Please do a trap and pack!
A trap is actually very possible, the pack I agree is unlikely, if MR couldn't do it at an affordable price but who knows man, Mattel does have a lot of cash and resources at theyre disposal, I wouldn't say its totally impossible.
Trap, maybe. Fully-accurate pack, not feasible as a mass-produced item. The best you'd get would be similiar to that old Kenner Real Ghostbusters pack, lacking detail...and blue.
Just a heads up if you don't have GB on Blu I saw it at my local Wal-Mart for $12 the other day.
Trap, maybe. Fully-accurate pack, not feasible as a mass-produced item. The best you'd get would be similiar to that old Kenner Real Ghostbusters pack, lacking detail...and blue.

Yeah the pack is trickier... I do think they can tackle Ecto-Goggles, Ghost trap and maybe a Giga-Meter...

But man, I wasn't thinking about getting the PKE meter, but after seeing all the details, I'm seriously considering it... :horror

Just a heads up if you don't have GB on Blu I saw it at my local Wal-Mart for $12 the other day.

It fluctuates between $11.49 to $9.99 on Amazon usually...
I'm picking up 3 PKEs, one for display, one for Halloween, and one to keep as a back up in case one of the others breaks. At the price it's too good to pass up, they go for $400 fully functional like this on ebay.

All things considered I wouldn't put it past Mattel to be able to make a functioning Pack, honestly how much more difficult could it be then this, by comparison, the pack wouldn't need servos and motors for movements, just the lights and sounds. The pack would likely be mostly plastic but if it looked good enough I wouldn't care at all.

And I'm not saying it'd be as nice as the packs on ebay that are $2500 but if they can cast the shell and the wand, it really isn't anywhere near as difficult as I think your making it out. When I heard they were doing the PKE I laughed, its mattel, but look at that thing.

I could see them being able to do it for $500 and selling plenty, these aren't mass produced items as you call them, they are specifically designed to be sold to collectors online so why not.

Hell I can guarentee if they could pull it off in that price range, you'd see plenty of the hardcore ghost heads buying 4 of them.
Ok, I want this. But if memory serves me right wasn't there a static sound to the PKE meter before? Also a fake Tobin's Spirit guide would be cool.
I finished my first prototype of the replacement 1:6 elbow pads. I'll make the next one a little darker and thinner, with the dark gray stripe in the center to be totally accurate.

Thank you both. Not that easy, but I'm trying to get the time down as short as possible. It's actually rubber. I toyed with the idea of electrostatically flocking the surface of the pad (which I still can), but it looks enough like cloth so far just with sculpted detail (which you can't really see in the photo).
Thank you both. Not that easy, but I'm trying to get the time down as short as possible. It's actually rubber. I toyed with the idea of electrostatically flocking the surface of the pad (which I still can), but it looks enough like cloth so far just with sculpted detail (which you can't really see in the photo).

Amazing work!!
Show us more pics once it's finished!!! :clap

I hate Matty Collector, but that PKE meter looks too cool to pass up. :thud:
Ha!!! And you thought you were out!!! :rotfl