New Ghostbusters Figures

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Congrats! Still a-waiting here. :impatient:

Thanks! Hope you get in soon.

I just got off the phone with one of Matty's CS reps regarding my order qualifying for the 10% discount that didn't get applied. The CS rep told me they've received calls from others who didn't get the 10% discount also. It seems Matty has a glitch somewhere in their system that didn't apply the discount today. I was instructed to call them back to see how they will resolve the 10% discount fiasco in a few hours due to the department that handles that is currently tied up with other calls. Someone fell asleep at the wheel on that one. :slap
Anyone else notice any of the items they ordered being highlighted? The 12 inch Venkman was highlighted on my order. I don't know why they can't do preorders on these to make it easier to get them.

Yeah, I noticed him highlighted in bold on my order confirmation email.

I just checked the site again and Venkman is still in stock. So I don't think it's a matter of him not being no longer available to order.

Update: I think the reason the 12-inch Venkman is in boldface type (highlighted) compared to the others on orders is I noticed the listing for Venkman on the Cyber Monday Sales page is the only one of the four 12-inch figures highlighted in bold type. Go figure.
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Weird. Well, BBTS has them up for pre-order (for slightly more than the cost from Matty, of course). You may want to put in a pre-order there just in case. There is no cost if you want to cancel before it comes in-stock.

Or, I'll trade you one for your Anton figure :D
well it only took an hour and fourty five minutes....but i finally have egon on the way, good job i didn't cave in and spend a ridiculous amount on ebay to get him, although sadly due to the ridiculous reasons given by mattel i'll have to get shafted on the pke meter being a lowly uk resident....which is bad enough sometimes in itself
I'm still debating wether to get the PKE meter or not...
it's really cool...

Tomorrow is the day!

well it only took an hour and fourty five minutes....but i finally have egon on the way, good job i didn't cave in and spend a ridiculous amount on ebay to get him, although sadly due to the ridiculous reasons given by mattel i'll have to get shafted on the pke meter being a lowly uk resident....which is bad enough sometimes in itself

I was thinking of getting one. Do you need me to help you get one and ship it to you?