Nice going Jmlsuperman! Betcha that was satisfying?!
I would like to take this time to thank the greedy ebay seller who refused my "Best Offer" of $400 for the Ghostbusters set 2 weeks before I found out these were going back on sale. When I offered him $350, he said, "Ray and Egon were going for $200 each, so no." Then I sent him the Cyber Monday ad from Matty Collector, he then said he would take $350.
I waited and got them all for $260 shipped.
Thanks ebay seller...
actually thats not awsome at all, its blasphemous and offensive. so please dont post that again as i am Christian and this is the Christmas season after all, so please pull that lame stunt again.
actually it's more funny than offensive. it's a joke. try taking it like one.
On that note:
Jesus doesn't look like that.
That one is vaguely humorous but...
Jesus wasnt in spirit form when he ascended to heaven.
Good thing you guys arent posting cartoons of Muhammad, you could be getting death threats rather than polite requests to refrain from posting irreverent pictures of Jesus.