Wow! Those look fantastic. Makes me realize that it will be worth the cost in the long run to get these figures put together.
I just cut the patches off the mattel suit and super glued them to a dragon flight suit and IMO it looks miles better (and fits a true type body much better). Ill have some pics up in the morning.
I just cut the patches off the mattel suit and super glued them to a dragon flight suit and IMO it looks miles better (and fits a true type body much better). Ill have some pics up in the morning.
thanks again Spenser. i still need to do some work on em but your heads are perfect.
Dyeing is fairly easy. I used a small tupperware container (sandwich size), filled with hot water, and added a little RIT pearl gray dye, you don't need very much. Stir it thorougly to dissolve the dye particles.
Then you, wet the flightsuit down with hot water, and then dunk it for a few minutes, agitating the mix. I had it in the dye bath for about seven minutes. I then removed the suit, rinsed it in cold water, and allowed it to air dry.
It came out nice, much better than the light tan right outta the box.
FYI, I didnt want to color the no ghost patch, so I didn't keep the suit in the bath too long. The time it was in there (about 7 minutes), and the patches were unaffected.
Hope this helps.
Heres my custom colored dragon flight suit with the patches from Mattel. I used a black marker to color the back so the lighter colored fabric wont show though
Side by side
Also an update on my kit. I started it last night and I figured I would start with what I felt was the worst part of mattels belt, the gizmo. In the movie it was a Sanyo ICC 808D calculator circuit board
Last night I made up the 8 glass nixies
I plan to get the ribbon cable and elbow pads tonight, as well as starting my own thread in the customs section so those interested can follow it.
Just get a new body. The one that comes with Ray might be fine for some other custom, but yeah the bow-legged thing drives me nuts too. So does the 'thrusting pelvis' that I got on mine.
Kuzeh sawpped out the body and it looks tons better as a start. Both in height and proportions. Add padding and you're done,
I've got the TT's in the garage just trying to use them wisely. The crotch sticking out bothers the hell out of me too.
So, is the dark brown shirt correct?
I actually like the jumper a lot. I don't see the need to replace it.