Good win tonight and I'm not even going to get into the goons taking shots to the head of a guy who just came back from a concussion...

That's just classless mickey mouse bull^^^^!
So is Osgood and his acting.. love the constant diving. Getting Detroit all of those extra power plays. Thank goodness that the Penguins PK was a rockin'!
btw I love the Wings Tylerd. I was a Wings fan in 1990, and became a Pens fan in 1991.. just before they won their first Cup. Half of my shirts and posters that I had as a kid were of the Wings and Pens, so I can safely say this should be by far the most exciting Stanley Cup Final for this fan. Problem is, it has been anything, but exciting. Also, one team is clearly dominating this series. Either way, as a fan I am not pleased.
And yes, I will be happy that the Wings win the Cup. However, I'll be even more happier if my Penguins win it. Although if the Wings dominate this series in 4 and out score the Pens at this current pace, I won't be happy. This was supposed to go six or seven games. Be a tight hard fought out series. Not a cake walk for either team. Most definitely not a bunch of "cheap shots, diving, mediocre reffing which attributed to bad calls on what should have been goals" series. The first goal that Detroit scored in the series shouldn't have been disallowed. Holmstrom did practically nothing to Fleury. As a fan, I like my teams to win and lose fairly. That Game 1 should have been 5-0 for Detroit.
The NHL is getting tacky now, with the ridiculous new jerseys.. what's with the stupid player numbers on the front of the jerseys? It makes them look ugly. This isn't basketball, baseball, or football. Why mess with tradition? Also, why did they move the bloody Wings 'C' and 'A' to the right side, then have the Cup Final patch right next to it. Looks busy, messy, and plain unprofessional from a design stand point. Much like Dallas' home jerseys, and well, I can go on about a lot of the other jerseys. Since I am on the topic of jerseys, and yes I understand the NHL switched back to the old more sturdier heavier jerseys, but what was the NHL and Reebok thinking coming out with those shoddy ass Edge jerseys? They wick more? More like they trap sweat in more, and tear with ease, even into the actual material. That's right folks, we're not talking at the seam here, but the actual material. My local team sported those jerseys for the whole 07/08 AHL campaign, and a bunch of fellow season ticket holders I know, also collect game worn jerseys such as myself. Some had taken on a few of the Edge gamers, and the destruction on those jerseys from the ones that have been used for decades now is day and night in terms of strength and quality. Smooth one Reebok and the NHL!
Also, this is the only sport I know who tries so hard to earn ratings in the US, that it tampers with the rules every year in hopes to upgrade scoring. To make the game flow more, and be more exciting, while they are doing the exact opposite by making rules where you even tap a goalie even by accident, a penalty is called against your team. Worse yet, if a goal is scored by your team, and your teammate is the one that brushes against the goalie, voala, a goal is called off due to goalie interference. Every season, you have to buy a new NHL rules book just to keep up with the BS.
Also, we had an NHL lockout in 2004/05. Why?! Wasn't it to keep the NHL from having teams signing players to ridiculous long term contracts worth in unthinkable amounts of money?
Now they are thinking of bringing back the Fox tracks puck? Oi. It was a bad idea back in the 90's. Hello! It's still a bad idea!!! They also want to reduce goaltending equipment again. Not like that will matter.. an inch here or there won't change things. These goalies are in much better shape, coached, athletic, and acrobatic vs. the goalies of the past. Want to improve goal scoring? Get some fat geezers from a beer hockey league between the pipes. Despite the fact their girth may almost encompass the size of the entire net, their self-mutilated heart over years of binge drinking and eating donuts will reduce their movement. There, problem solved! Or is it? Not all high scoring games = great hockey.