My Vader arrived already, I'll post pics later
Really?!! Thats fast. Is he good?
My Vader arrived already, I'll post pics later
I'm referring to the A-symettricall armor and mask we see at the end of the film, not Hayden. Why the Horror?
Honestly, I just want a RotS Vader. The best IMO.
You mean symetrical right?, besides that..the helmet design was also changed quite a bit from the OT.
I'm referring to the A-symettricall armor and mask we see at the end of the film, not Hayden. Why the Horror?
Because the ROTS Vader costume represents a lot of what is wrong about the prequels:
1 - No sense of visual continuity or respect for the aesthetic of the OT (the transition from that to the one in ANH is laughable)
2 - Contrived revisionism ("instead of going with what we already did, let's make the helmet symmetrical and everything all black... just because we can! Also, while we're at it... let's make the lightsabers different too, even though that's supposed to be the same one Obi-Wan hands to Luke in ANH.")
3 - It just doesn't look right. The symmetrical look of the new helmet loses a lot of the character and mystique that the OT Vader image has (especially that of ANH).
4 - "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!"
I have no problem with how Vader looks at the end of ROTS honestly. I'll get that version.
Because it looks/sounds much more advanced than the one he wears in the film that takes place 20 years later?And even so, Vader's appearance changed throughout the OT, what's the problem of having it different in ROTS
Because it looks/sounds much more advanced than the one he wears in the film that takes place 20 years later?
If anything, it should have looked like a prototype (maybe like the McQuarrie designs) or at least much more like the ANH visage. They just dropped the ball terribly here, imho.