Later on ESB...
Later on ESB...
Yup, I don't think there's a need to work out the kinks or anything with Vader such that you release the least popular look incase it's an issue. I have a strong feeling a lot of effort will have been poured into this figure and nothing will dissappoint, except maybe which suit choice they make, but the execution will be a crowd pleaser.
One thing I'm eager to find out is, will there be a third new body he's on? I'd hate to see how this thread goes if he's on the Big Boy Buck.
Just out of curiousity, what is the fascination with getting ESB Vader. How much different from ROTJ is it?
Have we learned nothing from the past? There will be an uproar not heard since the halcyon days of the mighty buffalo on the plains of America, when Vader is revealed, no matter how good he looks! People will always find something to complain about...![]()
You know it. This board really might just blow up with all the hate that I'm sure will be spilled out by those that take the time to measure every last detail of Darth Vader. I'm looking forward to the figure but not the aftermath.
Also SS can really skip out on the whole reveal head thing. Not a feature I'm really dying for them to try unless its a separate head that you can place on the figure.
I don't care which Vader it is. They all look the same to me.
People will always find something to complain about...![]()
What he said!!! To heck with all you guys calling for "screen accurate"!!! Never!!! You hear me!!! It will never happen, so give up now!!!![]()
I like the separate head idea...
I don't care which Vader it is. They all look the same to me.
Hasn't anyone photoshopped the official image yet?
I am a retard. I am the guy who wakes up one morning to find everyone gone, the cities evacuated. A lone man.
I just found out about this.
Hop in the conga line boys!!!!
Va-der, Va-der, VA-DER!!!! :chewieVa-der, Va-der, VA-DER!!!! :chewie
Va-der, Va-der, VA-DER!!!! :chewie
Va-der, Va-der, VA-DER!!!! :chewie
Va-der, Va-der, VA-DER!!!! :chewie
I am a retard. I am the guy who wakes up one morning to find everyone gone, the cities evacuated. A lone man.
I just found out about this.