Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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I've been kinda Star Warsed out lately, but this might bring me back. I cannot see that being anything other than Inclusive.
Highly unlikely. None of the 12" have thus far so I don't know why anyone would expect Vader to.

Not the lightsaber, but some of the costume elements could certainly light up. I can't recall any existing SW 12" from SSC that really demanded that feature.

And wouldn't you expect the eventual R2 & 3P0 figures to light up as well??
Just chiming in with my lil dancing wookie for this announcement: :chew

and just wanted to say "Impressive... most impressive!"
Not the lightsaber, but some of the costume elements could certainly light up. I can't recall any existing SW 12" from SSC that really demanded that feature.

And wouldn't you expect the eventual R2 & 3P0 figures to light up as well??

No. I wouldn't expect any 12" plastic figure to have lights. PF's on the other hand are a different story (which is why I'm so pissed about Asajj not lighting up)
Good lord, you're asking for the patience of Job. No way they can drag this on ad naseum. FOUR YEARS is more than long enough to wait for the Vader that people want. I for one am not keen to wait until 2014 or so for an ANH Vader figure.

Yeah, they need to get ANH done first. The wait has been long enough and its time to do it.

I could care less how large the ES size is. I'm more interested in the version, overall quality, and the price.

I am in agreement with you there.

This is only the "first" Vader, and I predict a ROTS Vader, so there will still be plenty of Vaders people will clamor for after this one! :monkey3

Starting off the Vaders with ROTS? Thats an odd choice really. I'll get it but I would prefer they start off with ANH first.
The question of which version is such a tough one.

Personally, I think an Ultimate Vader that can encompass every appearance is the way to go.

Will it cost a lot more than just a single movie representation, absolutely. Will a lot of collectors be frustrated spending money on extras they don't care about, totally.

However, if they do individual figures, there's potential desired incarnations won't happen.

I want a ROTJ reveal figure and an ANH Vader to go with Old Ben, after that, I may buy ROTS and ESB, but I don't feel a need for them.

Now suppose they do ROTS first. It'll have decent sales because it's the first SSC Vader and people are chomping for one. So Sideshow decides after that, let's do an ESB Vader. They do, but since many already bought the ROTS, and it probably cost them a bit, sales aren't too strong for ESB, so then it looks like it may not be worth making ANH or ROTJ Vader and many who wanted those never see the Vader they hoped for get made.

I'm sure Sideshow will make the best choices in the end, but it certainly isn't an easy choice to make and I'm sure there's been many a meeting to come up with the best approach.

Personally, I think at most, the line needs 2 Vader figures to feel complete.

We need ANH as it embodies the first visual of the Dark Lord we ever have and compliments Old Ben as a symbol of the powerful dynamic between Obi-Wan and Anakin, and we need ROTJ with a reveal feature because of the power of those brief minutes when after 2 films of seeing this evil soul, we get the redemption of a good man and to me, one of the most emotional moments in the saga, to see Anakin dying and Luke finally having the father he'd always missed having for a brief moment, great stuff.
Can someone reply with which post # has the preview pic that is getting everyone all excited? I have already read 10 pages of posts to no avail. Thanks.
I would like to see ROTS Vader first. He is the least popular...and if anything goes wrong on the first Vader...I would want that one to be the "test piece".
After all this time, nothing better go 'wrong' or the internet will shake like a magnitude 10 earthquake.
Can someone reply with which post # has the preview pic that is getting everyone all excited? I have already read 10 pages of posts to no avail. Thanks.

Take a look at post #11, but there really isn't anything yet to see... the excitement is just from the announcement that there will soon be an announcement!!!! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
After all this time, nothing better go 'wrong' or the internet will shake like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Yup, I don't think there's a need to work out the kinks or anything with Vader such that you release the least popular look incase it's an issue. I have a strong feeling a lot of effort will have been poured into this figure and nothing will dissappoint, except maybe which suit choice they make, but the execution will be a crowd pleaser.

One thing I'm eager to find out is, will there be a third new body he's on? I'd hate to see how this thread goes if he's on the Big Boy Buck.
After all this time, nothing better go 'wrong' or the internet will shake like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

I can see the news story now...

Future News Times said:
Everything is returning to normal now after overnight outages left three quarters of the world without the Internet. Analysts have traced the outages back to a preview picture of the Sideshow Darth Vader 1/6th scale figure which was released yesterday. As the collecting community reviewed the picture, it was determined that one of Vader's "tusks" was incorrectly painted, which started panic posting across Internet discussion boards around the world. Soon, the traffic rate was so high from all the complaints, that Internet backbones began to fail, causing a cascading effect which left billions without any Internet connection. The US Government has ruled out terrorism, and determined it was just "a bunch of fan boys", said an anonymous source. However, the Government is investigating the company that is making the figure and may bring sanctions against it if the "tusk" isn't corrected quickly.
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