Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Honestly, I think it's just too soon for ANY Vader! For real, kinda makes you think this is Sideshow's swan song. Troopers and Fett, in my mind, would come before. How would you top this? No other character has had this much clamoring. Vader would be the LAST figure I'd expect Sideshow to produce, none other could match this level of fever anticipation.
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Honestly, I think it's just too soon for ANY Vader! For real, Kinda makes you think this is SideShow's swan song! Troopers and Fett, in my mind,would come before but how do you top this?? No other character has had this much clamoring. Vader would be the LAST figure I would produce in this line because no other hype could match this level of anticipation.

Things to top Vader:

Emperor with Throne
Any number of unique non standard body aliens
This is only the "first" Vader, and I predict a ROTS Vader, so there will still be plenty of Vaders people will clamor for after this one! :monkey3
I hope you're both right, really I do! I'd like to see this line go on for awhile.
I would love an Empire Strikes Back Vader but either way I am really excited that this figure is on the way. This is really good news and I can't wait.
I'd like to see, at some point, a version of Vader that's partially a blue translucent that has the "lighting" effects from the Emperor. Something like those old human biology figure statues where you can see the veins and the skeleton. Cast it in combination of clear blue plastic (which Hasbro seems to have an abundance of) and smokey matte black. I think that would make a cool exclusive!

And if we're to get a E3 Vader, I'd really like to finally get a table for him to be strapped to.

I really wish Sideshow would pick it up on the accessory packs.
I'd like to see, at some point, a version of Vader that's partially a blue translucent that has the "lighting" effects from the Emperor. Something like those old human biology figure statues where you can see the veins and the skeleton. Cast it in combination of clear blue plastic (which Hasbro seems to have an abundance of) and smokey matte black. I think that would make a cool exclusive!

And if we're to get a E3 Vader, I'd really like to finally get a table for him to be strapped to.

I really wish Sideshow would pick it up on the accessory packs.

Outside of a custom I think that's a version you will never see from SS. I agree though, I thought accessory packs would be there to get us through the long wait from figure to figure.
That's what I want too.

Yes! YES!!! That's who I want to see--Captain Antilles! That would be the BEST!!! And for those that don't want him as much as I sure do, just look at the pic--wouldn't you just love to recreate that scene yourselves? How then, do you ask? With the ANH Captain Antilles 1:6 figure! Please Sideshow! PLEASE!!!!!!!

I think that there are way to many cool Vaders that could be done. I think this one will be killer! I hope we get a full armored ROTS or ANH one along the way!!!!

And everyone forgive me SW noob status, but what it OT again??
The more I think about it the dream Darth Vader for me would be the McQuarrie Vader from the painting were he is fighting Luke in a mask. I would love to have a series of 1/6 figures from the McQuarrie paintings.

WHOO HOO! Its the news i've been waiting for!!! i gonna get 2 for sure!


As they showed him with the "other" Darth Vader in that sweet little movie, I also predict a ROTS Vader...which is good, because that's the one I'm after, all shiny and new...

Plus he carries one of my favourite lightsaber styles ever...
Can't wait to see it - this may be my first order direct from SSC

Good luck with that...

I remember my first...Seems like only yesterday...


But the nice people at Sideshow gave me a $15 discount and doubled my reward points too...

They're nice like that...
Good luck with that...

I remember my first...Seems like only yesterday...


But the nice people at Sideshow gave me a $15 discount and doubled my reward points too...

They're nice like that...

Thats is pretty cool.:cool:
Vader! Finally! Can't wait to see what SS comes with. And I'm buying it for sure!
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