Of course, it's months...WHY IS IT SO LONG???
That's what she said.

Of course, it's months...WHY IS IT SO LONG???
Eunuch -- snip, snip...
Yup, would really help folks like Josh, Mikey, Les, etc.
Sorry, small rant on the way, bear in mind I consider myself a collector of all the most relevant figures on the market and I have a ton Of SST figures both old and new, and like you guys I do get excited by new announcements, but that link shows NOTHING, c'mon SST show me da money, is this JUST to prove they are working on it... of course they are fracking working on it, they've been working on it since they got the freaking licence and here we are nearly three years down the line and THIS IS WHAT THEY SHOW US!
I'm not bashing them by the way, I actually seriously, think this will be be an amazing figure, but stop pissing us about, stealth marketing is for those with no faith in their product... SHOW US YOUR PRODUCT NOW, and if it ain't ready wait till it is!
Sorry, small rant on the way, bear in mind I consider myself a collector of all the most relevant figures on the market and I have a ton Of SST figures both old and new, and like you guys I do get excited by new announcements, but that link shows NOTHING, c'mon SST show me da money, is this JUST to prove they are working on it... of course they are fracking working on it, they've been working on it since they got the freaking licence and here we are nearly three years down the line and THIS IS WHAT THEY SHOW US!
I'm not bashing them by the way, I actually seriously, think this will be be an amazing figure, but stop pissing us about, stealth marketing is for those with no faith in their product... SHOW US YOUR PRODUCT NOW, and if it ain't ready wait till it is!
Sorry, small rant on the way, bear in mind I consider myself a collector of all the most relevant figures on the market and I have a ton Of SST figures both old and new, and like you guys I do get excited by new announcements, but that link shows NOTHING, c'mon SST show me da money, is this JUST to prove they are working on it... of course they are fracking working on it, they've been working on it since they got the freaking licence and here we are nearly three years down the line and THIS IS WHAT THEY SHOW US!
I'm not bashing them by the way, I actually seriously, think this will be be an amazing figure, but stop pissing us about, stealth marketing is for those with no faith in their product... SHOW US YOUR PRODUCT NOW, and if it ain't ready wait till it is!
Actually you're right, I just tend to dip in now and then. If a figure doesn't interest me I'm in once, then out for the duration (a la Praji). The last two SW figs I got were Leia/Boushh (sic) and Old Ben, a friend has reserved a ep IV Han, but I'm still not convinced about him. And knowing he'll come on the old Buck is enough to put me off.
I can not wait to get Vader, this had better be an inclusive edition.
Sure, why not...
Why does everyone want this to be an inclusive edition? I really don't know, I ordered Maul from a different retailer, so I've forgotten the whole shabang...