Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Josh I don't normally waste my time with

Very mature :rolleyes:

Yours aren't exactly known for their variety so you've no room to talk.

Wrong. Evil Face's comments have more variety than most. Some stuff he HATES, some stuff he LOVES. For an honest, none biased opinion in something refer to Evil Face.
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Did he quote you? NO
Do you always assume everyone talks about you?

No but Irish tends to bring up Medicom just about every time someone criticises Sideshow and it's kinda obvious what he was inferring.
Leave Medicom Alone!!

Thing is i was over the medicom vs SS ^^^^ in 2005-2006 when filthyjawas led the march at RS. It's amazing that people still bring it up,the hate is strong here.(WILL IT EVER DIE OUT?)

Like i say "it's soooooooooooo 20006" (it's tacky to keep bringing it up)
Who did you ask? It was not mentioned at the Con that the body was anything other than the new one.

I didn't ask his name. But he and a few others were working on one of the display cases that had been damaged. Gonna see if I can find a pic of him on Sideshow's site.
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