Haha... Yeah, I clearly noticed that too ! But TheClipperKing seems to have a very good point and reason to say so.
By the way, I am hoping that TheClipperKing would show some photos from his video - so that I could have a go at those poses I loved.
I have been away for a while so it is a good thing that you are keeping us up to date on this set Roger.
by the way, might it be that photography skills might have something to do with it looking differently ? Just a thought....
I am sorry to hear this MrChris. I got two of that boxed RM-X sets with the shoes, socks and bracelet, and mine are still fine - but I have not so much with them like putting them in an over-posed position. But I totally agree that these bodies should have handled being positioned for a period of time and with handling (as I know you guys knows what you are doing and are not molesting them like some other guy in here are known for...)