Official NECA Terminator Thread

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That's the T2 lighting alright^

If anyone here is on NECA's twitter I wonder could you ask if a reissue (or Ultimate figure) of the Steel Mill version of the T-1000 is in their plans? I'd like to put together a few mini-scenes and for the steel mill segment of the film the T-1000 needs the pants and boots from the Motorcycle Cop outfit. The previous figures are long sold out and cost too much on ebay.

Perhaps they also might clue us in if they'll be making Pretzel Man T-1000 or the other possibility where he almost gets cleaved in two by the T-800.
Some stuff to share, first, NECA pics of Cinemachines.



Now my own stuff, Kyle Reese first.




I'm in for the Ultimate Tech Noir when it drops. The paint on the initial release wasn't great. Kyle too if they changed their minds and released him. I think it should totally happen, a cheap reissue with some up-grades.

Anyone in the UK grabbed a Sarah yet? The thirst is real, but I haven't seen her anywhere.
oops. they got it wrong. "torso" should not be in the middle. chassis is almost symmetrical (back = mirrored front), it has a closed round plate in its back, and the "body" should be connected to another same round.


also the "chest" manipulators/arms aren't on its chest.
looks like somebody assembled it wrong.
How could they get that wrong? It's not like there aren't plenty of references. Just look at an HCG or Pegasus tank. This better be a simple goof on the part of the person taking the picture. Maybe the turret was separate from the base before the pictures were taken.
i think those don't exist yet other than in 3D model.
even the colored pictures are just a model with skin on it, it's not a real thing, check the fake simplified shadow.
so it's easily fixable once their supervisor sees how crazy the modeller was :lol
on these shots even the head is upside down.

I hope they get this right. I would love to make a nice diorama out of these depending on the size. I have the Sideshow and Pegasus versions of both the tank and the flying h/k and they are too big to really do anything with.
Great pics Maulfan. I forgot it was you who modded a Police Shootout figure that could pull his elbow tighter for that gun-toting pose.

As for the Tank HK, goes to show how little attention I've paid to them, I didn't notice that mistake - I'm just Arnie's hairdresser. But what a mistake it is. Upside-down head aswell? Weird. Hopefully it's not too late for all this to be corrected.
I can't remember who did it first it's been years, but another figure customized it first. It's just a great pose. I welcome and ultimate for other options, I'd like a no glasses, exposed eye head.

Hope Tech Noir gets better elbow articulation, one of the most limited figures I've ever had.
I can't remember who did it first it's been years, but another figure customized it first. It's just a great pose. I welcome and ultimate for other options, I'd like a no glasses, exposed eye head.

Hope Tech Noir gets better elbow articulation, one of the most limited figures I've ever had.

Yep, the elbow joint on the Tech Noir is barely more than a swivel really. I don't see them changing it though.

The exposed endo-eye head is pretty good although in my collection right now it just sits as a spare. There's only two movie scenes it's accurate for, eye surgery and later when he's sitting on the bed looking through Sarah's diary. The existing figures can't recreate those scenes. An ultimate T-800 that can sit could do the latter but you'd need at least a bed and something that looks like a diary to make the scene, no point otherwise. And we don't have the arms to do an eye surgery figure which I guess would be the T1 line's equivalent of T2's Man or Machine but NECA have not seen fit to specifically make it.
Does anyone know what NECA's current stance on making an ultimate Kyle are? I thought maybe I read somewhere awhile ago they were considering it, but they seemed to indicate it would be just an updated version of the previous figure, and the version I want the most (Future War) wasn't going to happen.
I thought I read here that they have no plans for any further Kyle Reese figures.

As for my own personal news, barring anything unforeseen, I think I've secured a black&chrome Fatboy for my NECA T-800.
That will delight Selektiv (anyone remember him?) :lol

Probably a 1:4 Pescadero Escape figure...or I wonder will they do any resculpting. I think perhaps the facial features could do with some refining. The general shape of the face and head was always perfect though.

Maybe, they also said that they will consider making an Ultimate T 1000 (bike version) when T2 3D comes out in theaters this fall.