Predator 2: Shadow Predator (2011 Toy Fairs Exclusive)

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I think he's cool But kind of looks like the rest of the Preds are not sure of the new guy. HAHAHA
My display is even worse. I'd start investing in proper displays but its just impossible when theres so many must-have toys coming out.
My display is even worse. I'd start investing in proper displays but its just impossible when theres so many must-have toys coming out.

I can totally understand , i mean there not going anywhere.But at Lowes theres shelf stuff for 20-30 $
For me just having room is an issue. most of my collectibles are boxed up in a little storage space or boxed up at my father's house. I have a few on display but it's probably 2% of my collection. You'd never know I was a collector just by walking in my house. I do want to put up shelving in my game room but have been kinda lazy about actually doing it.
For the first time since I started collecting these fantastic Predators from hot toys I had to cancel .This guy is just to much money for what your getting .I'm sorry .$235 after shipping !! Come on!! This is a bear bones figure . It just seems like every new figure is more and more expensive . The madness had to stop here ! I just have to many other priorities on my plate at this time in my life . Maybe I will sell some stuff and pick this guy up somehow down the line .
For the first time since I started collecting these fantastic Predators from hot toys I had to cancel .This guy is just to much money for what your getting .I'm sorry .$235 after shipping !! Come on!! This is a bear bones figure . It just seems like every new figure is more and more expensive . The madness had to stop here ! I just have to many other priorities on my plate at this time in my life . Maybe I will sell some stuff and pick this guy up somehow down the line .

Yes, but he's awesome. I just really dig the color scheme on him and the old P2 Predator is going to put you out about 600 bucks!
For the first time since I started collecting these fantastic Predators from hot toys I had to cancel .This guy is just to much money for what your getting .I'm sorry .$235 after shipping !! Come on!! This is a bear bones figure . It just seems like every new figure is more and more expensive . The madness had to stop here ! I just have to many other priorities on my plate at this time in my life . Maybe I will sell some stuff and pick this guy up somehow down the line .

I don't have any of the AVP Predators (not sure I'd want them even if I could afford them), only have the Cleaner Kit Wolf, and only have the undamaged P2 Predator, everything else I've got.

I can tell you from my experience from having started at the LOST and having to work back (back when I could afford to do so), you don't want to miss a release of a Predator figure. Once you've only got the secondary market to go to 9 times out of 10 you're going to have to pay more, and the longer you wait the higher they get.

Someone else may say different, but that’s why even though I agree with you on the bare bone Shadow, I still pre-ordered it. I may regret it later since now it looks like (for at least awhile) he’ll be everywhere, but at least I’ll be covered on this one.

I’ve never been one who likes or takes too many chances.
For the first time since I started collecting these fantastic Predators from hot toys I had to cancel .This guy is just to much money for what your getting .I'm sorry .$235 after shipping !! Come on!! This is a bear bones figure . It just seems like every new figure is more and more expensive . The madness had to stop here ! I just have to many other priorities on my plate at this time in my life . Maybe I will sell some stuff and pick this guy up somehow down the line .

I sadly agree - I've been collecting since the second series of AVP Predator, and this is the first time I've balked at the price. This release seems to be unique, in that it appears to have more supply than demand, but I've yet to see a HT Predator not shoot up in price after they're sold out. This one might just take longer.
Am I the only one who doesn't like him? I really hate the fur, and the reddish pain is an eye sore...
The PR pics looked great, but then someone got him and posted real pics.. When I saw them I went on the website right away, to cancel him, but it was too late - It's a flex-pay order, and the payment hit a day before!...

Maybe he will grow on me, but as of now, it's a purchase I regret.
^to be honest I'm really only buying him out of completism to go with my other Losties (mind you how complete can you have it without the Elder). There are other Lost predators I'd have rather seen before this one.
^to be honest I'm really only buying him out of completism to go with my other Losties (mind you how complete can you have it without the Elder). There are other Lost predators I'd have rather seen before this one.

I second that emotion, as well. Quite a price tag to fill the last hole on my Predator shelf. Would have LOVED a Ram.