Super Freak
Quit picking on my MILF.
Take this:
Take this:

You mean GILF! Don't forget that her teenage daughter is due in December!
daughter = MILF
Palin = GILF
Man I hope her daughter is at least 18.
Quit picking on my MILF.
Take this:
Quit picking on my MILF.
Take this:
I think stuff like that is very funny. Whether it's Jerry Falwell saying God let 911 happen because of pagans, abortionists, feminists, and homosexuals or a play on words comparison of the democratic ticket to a mass murdering terrorist, I love hearing ultra fringe beliefs and hyperbole. Very witty stuff.
I think stuff like that is very funny. Whether it's Jerry Falwell saying God let 911 happen because of pagans, abortionists, feminists, and homosexuals or a play on words comparison of the democratic ticket to a mass murdering terrorist, I love hearing ultra fringe beliefs and hyperbole. Very witty stuff.
What if it's all an act? What if she's trying to come off as community college dropout on purpose?
Think about it. No one can be that deer-in-the-headlights. I've seen clips of Alaska's Governor's debate and she did fine.
So long as she doesn't have one of these moments tomorrow, the Republicans will blanket the media with how she won the debate. She can come off as unqualified and inexperienced and a dangerous pick to be the Vice President to a 72 year-old melanoma survivor... She can defend Wasila's practice of charging sexual assualt victims for their rape kits when they go to the police... She can own up to fudging on her record when she claimed she said "thanks, but, no thanks to that bridge to nowhere..." She can admit to firing that guy for not firing her ex-brother-in-law as State Trooper. But so long as she speaks in complete sentences, all the media will talk about is how she wowed them at the debate.
I agree, but it also comes from BOTH sides.
I do think it says a lot about one's political accumen if they spend most of their time bashing the opponents than they do lauding their own guy's voting record and stance on specific issues.
This goes for both "Liberal Dems" and "Conservative Republicans". It's especially bad and insufferable during election season.![]()
It's because going negative works and it's only going to get worse this month.
But the irrational fear mongering is mainly being carried out by the right.
Huh thats weird because i recall that republicans controlled congress and the senate during Clinton's presidency.
I don't make the news, I just report it. Fair and balanced.
Quit picking on my MILF.
Take this:
Oh no it's not. Liberals wrote the book on that stuff, and continue to do so to this day. The right now finally has something silly of their own to latch onto and spew about.
You're all nuts, I say.![]()
Thats just wrong. You question my patriotism because I don't put my hand over my heart during the NA but you pull something like that. Thats just totally bull^^^^. I don't think I can take you seriously from here on out with ^^^^ like that.
Agreed, best if we just don't talk politics to one another. You don't seem to be able to take a joke and I seem to think your stance is.... errmmm.. yeah, best if we don't talk. I'll reserve the emotional response.