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That's a very good post Yogi. Spot on in many ways. 

I have to agree...
Some people here act as if they need to own everything, want everything, and act like entitled brats. So... rainman displays a piece that was commissioned, and all of the sudden, EVERYONE is up in arms and ready to bash their keyboards with messages like, "Man, we were pushing for that figure...," "I wanted that...," "Where's the integrity...," crap.
Like I said after another one of PopCultKid's long-winded posts that are full of drivel, comments like those, the entitled behavior and bratty attitudes of many here have pushed Rainman to the brink.
:WAHHHH:"The sculpt is not accurate...," "It's not perfect," yada yada yada and many other statements have left quite a sour taste in his mouth. Who is anybody to judge rainman's artistic stylings and interpretations? I love how some have come on here and paid their way into this hobby... and now act like they are Rainman aficionado's. I guess the person who purchased a Lucy after it was sold out doesnt have anything to say? What about those that if they had the funds, would actually go that route in getting a desired character?
There is nothing wrong with what he did. The same way there was nothing wrong with what Teddy Daniels did.
That "David" piece was pushed for awhile, there was very little interest generated, so a collector took it upon himself to spend his hard-earned money for it. FTW! Now, some other collector did the same.
Ok, maybe this guy/gal did not check the "Rainman interest" thread. SO WHAT?! So anyone who collects Rainman pieces has to know register on this board, post 50 times a day and follow protocol on a interest list? Please people... get over yourselves.
So, now Rainman has to sift through hundreds of pages and thousands of posts in varying interest threads before he can decide what he wants to do with his time? Please people... get over yourselves.
Rainman can work on these figures at whatever pace pleases him. Whether he had other work while working on one of your precious purchases means NOTHING.
How do you know he wasnt working 12-hour shifts at his other job or doing other artistic projects while he was working on Anton? Do you know? Everyone was nut-riding then.
How about when he did Eagle Eye, or Gangboy?
I just love how people ASSume things and make insinuations and then attribute it as truths.
Rainman doesnt have to check-in with anyone before taking on a commission. And off-course, maybe a subject matter thats 1-of-1 may be way more accurate or finely developed because of the under the microscope attention is paid.
Maybe the "quality of his work" has gone down... whatever that means (it's art people, do you go into a museum and bash something that has been created?), then don't purchase.
The same ones that whine and cry and always want more accurate this, or more accessories that, or that need to have this look a certain way, still are the ones that still fork over the cash and get every release, or then say, his next one is his masterpiece or some other comment that just shows their addictive, entitled traits.
People just need to get over it. It's done. He did a commission - great for him and even better for the person who has the means to acquire such a piece.
If this bothers you so much, abstain from ever getting a rainman piece. Hold off on Taxi Driver. I bet you won't.
Hypocrites... collectors here can be the biggest. As long as they get what THEY want, there are no issues. The second something is out of reach or not to their desire, the childish, irrational and asinine behavior begins.
This commission here seems like its more of a let me go behind the scenes and drop these fat stacks. Here's the finger to all my fellow collectors! NO HARROW FOR YOU! And what hurts more is Harrow has been asked for in the Rainman threads for so long. I feel for Ray especially cause I know he was pushing hard for Boardwalk figures to be touched by Rainman.
Meh. Rainman really doesn't owe anyone here anything. If you are pissed off that he isn't catering to your whims, then don't buy anymore of his stuff. If you don't like his sculpts, then don't buy his figures. Frankly. . .
Based on all the frustration and downright vitriol folks were spewing toward the PF guys at various points, I could see Rainman feeling even LESS motivation to act in the interests of the broad collector community at this point. Jules is what it is. If you think he didn't give it proper attention and half-assed it (which is the inference), then why buy it to begin with? No one puts a gun to anyone's head here.
Like Teddy's David, I'm just glad to see such an awesome figure exists. I'll enjoy it vicariously. I can't have it, but as my daughter has to learn, we can't have everything we want all the time. C'est la vie.
To Tim's post, I did have the understanding that this was the typical commission price. I'm sure you would get the same response simply PMing the man, so I don't see a big issue. If someone were hardcore enough to consider a commission then they have probably already taken that step.
come onin all honesty if we all had the money who would not want to commission that dream figure?
How is it entitled if we would rather see a community of collectors enjoy these figures instead of 1 freaking person?
Better yet, how is it even fair to rule the character out indefinitely over a lousy 5k?
WTF Man? I mean WTF
PEOPLE WANTED THIS! Why can't it be offered? F THAT COMMISSION BULL****!
How is it entitled if we would rather see a community of collectors enjoy these figures instead of 1 freaking person?
Better yet, how is it even fair to rule the character out indefinitely over a lousy 5k?
WTF Man? I mean WTF
Based on all the frustration and downright vitriol folks were spewing toward the PF guys at various points, I could see Rainman feeling even LESS motivation to act in the interests of the broad collector community at this point.
come onin all honesty if we all had the money who would not want to commission that dream figure?
Dear me this thread really is turning into a bit of a mess![]()
People here are insane.
The night is darkest just before the dawn.