Don't get me wrong ... I LOVE the sense of energy and dynamic movement you get from a PF like the Berzerker Uruk-Hai ... it's one of my absolute favorites. But, for a character like Sauron, I much prefer something like Jerry's take. I really dig the quiet power and menace of Sauron's
stillness. I find that a lot creepier!
Sure, it's cool when he grabs his mace and mixes it up in battle, but that's not really what Sauron's all about. He's an immensely powerful being who doesn't necessarily depend on his physicality. His power is more of a malevolent, toxic energy that radiates from him ... his hand-to-hand combat skills are cool, but I don't think they're really that important to who he is.
(If he gets that ring back, it's not like he's going to go door-to-door throughout Middle Earth smashing everybody with a mace!

My point, I guess, is that I think ... as an interpretation of what the
character is all about ... I think Jerry and Sideshow are right on the money!
But again, that's just one guy's opinion! Your mileage will certainly vary!