Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I'd like to start making some things, seeing that I can't make caskets (pokes Jom in the ribs,) or any other wood items. Angel, we need to get those props into some films and send them to SideShow and our fellow Ape brothers

I'd love to share my stuff with all you guys STICKS, but I can't afford to just give all these things away. There are costs involved.

I’m pretty discouraged right now by the lack of support I’ve received. Everyone has been saying they want more apes and yet no one wants the Lawgiver head sculpt I provided.

Why do I even try? I haven't had one person actually buy my first Lawgiver sculpt yet. That's really sad. I'm throwing in the towel boys.
Wow, don't say that Angel. I wish you could understand my predicament. I'm currently in the process of a separation from my long time love and I'm nearing the completion of my Pain management program. I've been financially ruined, I've been blacklisted from potential future employers, and I face being placed on a pension. If you only knew, if there was anything I could do to support you I would. Maybe a $10 donation? Please just let me know. I've been on this damn L&I for over four years meanwhile I placed myself through two years of film schooling, and they still may decline any future vocational opportunity. I'm also facing homelessness because I will now have to carry full cost of rent. I didn't want to discuss any of this but you guys are my cyber friends and ape talk is always cool. Angel this board has brightened dramatically since you, Jom, and Snicker have joined. The Ape army is strong. When I get the chance "old man" I'm going to make you proud to see your craftsmanship up there on your television screen.

I'm staying positive, and I hope to complete another film soon, so when I get my budget together I'll be giving you a chime, as you know I'm good for my word on cost. Thank you Angel and everyone else for you contributions! It keeps me coming back! Go Ape!!!
I'd love to share my stuff with all you guys STICKS, but I can't afford to just give all these things away. There are costs involved.

I’m pretty discouraged right now by the lack of support I’ve received. Everyone has been saying they want more apes and yet no one wants the Lawgiver head sculpt I provided.

Why do I even try? I haven't had one person actually buy my first Lawgiver sculpt yet. That's really sad. I'm throwing in the towel boys.

Don't be discouraged Angel. I'd buy the Lawgiver if I liked the film. There is nothing wrong with the sculpt. I'm all for more apes, but I have certain parameters. Your work is superb, your choice of subject just dosen't match what I want.

Stay with us buddy! And don't throw in the towel!
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I'm so so sorry. It does seem like these are not the best of times for you. I've been through a divorce, and it isn't easy. Some how we go on. Things eventually turn around, and things eventually get better. It's just a dark time now.

You've got a lot of talent with your photography and film making skills. If they decline future vocational opportunities it doesn't matter. Film classes don't matter, actually they are a waste of time, take it from me. Just shoot, and take any opportunity you can. You'll learn more in one day on the job than you could learn in four years of film school.

We are all with you my friend. Things will turn around for you. I know it!
Useful Reference?

I thought these images, taken at a recent show, might be of some use to you guys. All the props are the real deal.
I'd love to share my stuff with all you guys STICKS, but I can't afford to just give all these things away. There are costs involved.

I’m pretty discouraged right now by the lack of support I’ve received. Everyone has been saying they want more apes and yet no one wants the Lawgiver head sculpt I provided.

Why do I even try? I haven't had one person actually buy my first Lawgiver sculpt yet. That's really sad. I'm throwing in the towel boys.

Don't throw in the towel just yet. If I did that everytime response wasn't what I had hoped for this thread would have died before 100 posts and you "late comers" would never have arrived.
Hell, my Urko head sculpt did "ok" I guess even though I still haven't recouped the costs I spent on him yet. The other polls have met with an apparent lack of enthusiasm. Armando had built in "which version" problems that I hadn't considered and the latest simian poll had little real commitment. Ultimately, I think it has to be considered also, that if one wants to build up their gorilla army, then a Lawgiver may not fit in there. Personally, I'm in. I had said that previously. I didn't realize that the "orders" were being officially taken. I will try and get the $ to you next week. Anyone who's been around this board knows that I'm pretty much in for any new sculpt.
Snick, how long have I been contacting you about whether you'd be making any of your sculpts available? It was great to finally see you become really active on this thread ad show off your wonderful pieces. Now, between you and Angel and Jom and everyone else there's suddenly a plethora of new stuff becoming available. If it is indeed going to al be offered to all of us then we're going to either have to be willing to deal privately with one another or set up a schedule of sorts so that too much isn't all coming at once. Afterall, too much, too soon is what killed the Sideshow line in the first place. Ultimately, I'd like to get back to the point where we could have the Sideshow folks come back in here and see what was possible.
Stick, sorry to hear about your problems. It seems that this has been that kind of year for many of us. The 1:1 has been exceptionally cruel this year to many of us, myself included. If I had the cash just lying about then I'd already own at least one of everything that each of you has shown. As it is it seems each paycheck is more than spent before it arrives. :( Email me if you want and we can disuss that storyline to film we had talked about.
I know I haven't been around here as much of late and I think, looking back, that that was due to two things. One being all the 1:1 problems and two being the leaps and bounds everyone else was making. You guys are pumping out so much quality product so fast, I have nothing to contribute of the sort. Maybe thats what pushed me to try and get the Trek figures on track. I don't know anymore. All that is left for me here is to sit quietly in the wings and watch.
Maybe, after all, thats what would be best for an old gorilla to do.
Or, we can raise an ape army and attack that SideShow wharehouse!

Thanks IM, and Jom very much. I'll be better prepared in a few months, as soon as I hammer out a plan, and finally get my disability $ from the state. At least then I'll have a little something, that I could do whatever I want to do with it, instead of worrying where I'll be the next day. You guys have all listened and I again thank you.

Angel, my Ape Army is strong because of your props. I love the flags, whistles, bugle, MGs, patches, and man catchers you've made for me. When I get some more $, which I know is coming, unfortunately too slowly, but it's coming, and when it does, I'm coming to VA and we're making that Ape city and filming the hunt scene! That gives IM some more time to hammer out his masterpiece.

Ape brother, you could always lean on me, you're not heavy, you're my ape brother.:monkey3
Thanx for posting the pics, Smugster... I'm always up for more prop photos.:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5


Man... I want those gloves in the WORST WAY!!! :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2
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I disn't even see those photos this morning:rotfl

Those are great photos Smugster. That little Icarus is so cool looking, where's that prop from?

I hope SS does do the television series.

I sold four figures this morning on ebay! :blissy Now I only have a hundred more to go! :lol
And as for Mr Sotis... what has he got?? More importantly, does he share?!?!?

I just asked my wife. She said "No!". LOL. Nevertheless, this is probably the coolest apes item i've gotten recently. This contact sheet breaks down a deleted scene from Beneath where David Watson as Cornelius finds Brent and Nova just as they're marked for target practice:

Geez, though, i think my name appears here in this thread more than in Sausville's book. But really, great customizing work here. Keep it up! Matt

P.S. Chris, there's a box heading your way. I hope you like what's in it!
Geez, though, i think my name appears here in this thread more than in Sausville's book. But really, great customizing work here.

Yeah, you are kind of a celebrity around this here. :rolleyes:

:chew :chew :chew By the way...WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!!! :chew:chew :chew

Thanx for posting the contact sheet. I have a few of them myself (there seems to be a lot for the first two films) but nothing as cool as this cut scene. :monkey3:monkey3:monkey3
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I disn't even see those photos this morning:rotfl

Those are great photos Smugster. That little Icarus is so cool looking, where's that prop from?

Taylor's spacecraft (I loathe the name Ica*@$!!!) was one of the few items on display that was not a screen-used prop. I believe it's the resin kit from Monsters in Motion.

I have quite a few more shots from the exhibit that I'm happy to upload, props, mannequins, costumes, star guest etc. If you guys let me know what you're particularly looking for I'll do my best to oblige.
I just asked my wife. She said "No!". LOL. Nevertheless, this is probably the coolest apes item i've gotten recently. This contact sheet breaks down a deleted scene from Beneath where David Watson as Cornelius finds Brent and Nova just as they're marked for target practice:

Geez, though, i think my name appears here in this thread more than in Sausville's book. But really, great customizing work here. Keep it up! Matt

P.S. Chris, there's a box heading your way. I hope you like what's in it!

Please post some of your work here as well if you don't mind. Especially anything 1:6!!
SNICK - Well at least you noticed TV GALEN. I know he has no ears, but it's not done. But I think he's looking pretty good even without ears.

I really like this Galen sculpt Angel. But I'm thinking just the opposite of snickertown. I think the first photo of Galen looks more accurate than the second. Nice job, keep it up.
Re: Useful Reference?

I thought these images, taken at a recent show, might be of some use to you guys. All the props are the real deal.

Love the pictures Smugster, I really like that backpack and the gloves belonging to the good doctor.
Chris, there's a box heading your way. I hope you like what's in it!/QUOTE]

Matt - Can't wait for the package! Check out page 311. Group member ANGEL made a chair for Caesar. Have you seen ANGEL's ape wagon yet?

Cool! Hey, nice chair. Resin? The furniture i had done for the Museum and Urko headquarters was cushion foam coated with housepaint. LOL.
I do need to see that wagon. Kfog hooked me up me a wagon on ebay a few years back i've been meaning to convert. One of these days....

P.S. Thanks for the warm welcome!