Action Figure Sentinel Re: Edit Iron Man Figures 1/10 scale

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I've got it. Once you get it into a pose that you're happy with it it's fine but it's the play and posing that's a PITA though as the armor bits just don't stay on well through any movement. The metallic version is better than the regular in that respect for me though.

Thanks for your response. Will take it into consideration.
Thanks for your response. Will take it into consideration.

Do what you will with it, man. The armorize stuff is relatively cheap particularly compared to the Re:Edit line so it's not really a loss unless you're looking to try to fit it in with the more high-end stuff. Even though it's not up to par it's still a nice looking pieceand genuinely displays well so I wouldn't ever get to the point of selling it or anything.
Heads-up: Iron Patriot is available for $80 on ThinkGeek, and just qualifies for free shipping. Great price for what is one of the best-looking figures in this line imo, and well worth it. Now to see how it scales with Mezco. Excited to have it back!

Looks so good! Did this come from a secret source of some kind? I hope the lighter backpack solves the balance issues that House of M Iron Man had.
Looks so good! Did this come from a secret source of some kind? I hope the lighter backpack solves the balance issues that House of M Iron Man had.

It came from the post man who left it on my step. HMPH!

And yea dude, the backpack is actually just that slim-type backpack/coverpiece like the war machine molds with a peg adapter built onto it. barely sticks out from its back and doesn't weight a thing. 0 balance issues jut like the Modular IM/WM that use it as well. this is going to be a fun ****ing shoot.
Interesting. The last time they did one of those printed backdrops it was for the extremely limited Toy Soul (I think?) run of the Bleeding Edge armour. Is Howard going to be a con exclusive of some kind or get a wider release?
I am looking into getting an Armorize metallic one as well because:
1) it is cheap :lol
2) I like the design better than the upcoming Mezco (no flame wars/arguments/comparisions PLEASE :gah:)
3) It's cheaper :lol and smaller than the House of M or Bleeding edge figures, which I prefer design wise, but cannot afford. :pfft:
NP and there are definitely some positives to it I think I overlooked having such a horrible time with the armor like the fact that it has that multi-level ab-crunch.

The M25 is my favorite "traditional" comic armor (My favorites are Hulkbuster and House of M) and this nails it. If this was just a plain Iron Man fifugre without the removable armor gimmick and more clearance for the shoulder pads, I'd honestly like it BETTER than most of the Re: Edit stuff.
Heads-up: Iron Patriot is available for $80 on ThinkGeek, and just qualifies for free shipping. Great price for what is one of the best-looking figures in this line imo, and well worth it. Now to see how it scales with Mezco. Excited to have it back!

Damn that’s a good price. I once paid $125 to a drunk dwarf for him.
I got a Bleeding Edge loose for about $60. I have never seen such an intricate paint job and mechanics on a figure, even Hot Toys! You cannot truly appreciate how well they areally done until you have it in-hand. Wonderful.