Sideshow 1st Marvel 1:6 - Deadpool

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I'm a bit new to the forum and this is only my 2nd HT figure. I pre-ordered mine a few months ago and it came yesterday afternoon. I haven't had a lot of time with it yet, but I notice that mine did not come with a "Headpool" accessory. Did anyone else not get it or was it supposed to be delivered with my stuff?
mine showed up yesterday. very happy with him! solid figure... shoulder joints were a little tight. as others have said, the pouches are a little fiddly but nothing ridiculous. i really don't have an issue w/ the box as a couple have complained about... the artwork looks cool and everything is packaged well. but i'm not a box guy... so as long as the figure arrives in safe condition and isn't beat up.... i'm fine. accessories are good and well detailed... the 2 different heads are sweet and work well. the suit isn't form fitting as some have said, but you need it a tad loose to be able to keep him dynamic in setups... i have no complaints at all with it.

he really is a LOT of fun setting up and putting in different display options! there are SO many! i haven't had this much fun flip flopping around the setup in a long time!

and he really photos well!

Amazing pics man! Looking at my November expenses I can't afford him now, but I totally want this Deadpool. And he will be a great stand-in in case HT doesn't make the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool.
Sounds like mine got stolen by UPS employee or something. It's "not trackable" currently. SSC is placing a tracer on it, and this process can be 2 weeks. Sucks.
Sounds like mine got stolen by UPS employee or something. It's "not trackable" currently. SSC is placing a tracer on it, and this process can be 2 weeks. Sucks.

Sorry to hear that dude. It's probably stolen. That happened to my Robocop with Mech Chair...never turned up but UPS eventually paid SSCs and they sent me another figure :yess:
Amazing pics man! Looking at my November expenses I can't afford him now, but I totally want this Deadpool. And he will be a great stand-in in case HT doesn't make the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool.

Thanks bud!

To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. After spending some time w/ the figure, I am very happy w/ the purchase and would def do it again! My wife (who doesn't really care much for this hobby) saw him on my desk while i was taking some pics. She's recently seen the movie preview... So she walks by and says, "oh look, deadpool! he looks cool" nuff' said!
Sounds like mine got stolen by UPS employee or something. It's "not trackable" currently. SSC is placing a tracer on it, and this process can be 2 weeks. Sucks.

Oh my goodness... That's horrible, but everything will be alright. Sideshow Collectibles will take care of you. There is proof that you never received the package, after all. Unfortunately, you'll need more patience than we anticipated. I'm praying for you.
Your adorable Yoda Pug doesn't want you to worry either. He quotes, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

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Sounds like mine got stolen by UPS employee or something. It's "not trackable" currently. SSC is placing a tracer on it, and this process can be 2 weeks. Sucks.

Just think to yourself that you got the Sideshow Exclusive "Trolling" package with extended and unexpected delays and it's all part of the "This is how it feels to fight Deadpool" experience.
Craig, I agree with your previous response to SSC. I guess some here are a little to kind and when the time comes to play hard ball... I see a lot of you back away from the plate and lay down.

The facts that Craig laid out are pretty simple. He paid for Deadpool. Deadpool was shipped out. He didn't get Deadpool. SSC at first seemed to do nothing. After his response, they actually started to do something. First thing they should have done was put a tracer on the package and contact the mailing service for him. They should have gone the extra mile, not Craig. Will be interesting to see if they can't find your package and they ship you a new one... will you get free shipping? Or be forced to pay overpriced shipping twice?

As far as you all mocking him for spending a $1000, all of your businesses would fail miserably and I would laugh in your face for having that mantra. Every job, every dollar amount, big or small is important when you run a business.

As far as Craig and someones response in "costing someone a job for free shipping"... that is not true. I contacted them about the overpriced shipping, I proved them wrong. Rep told me she would talk to the manager and I got refunded $2 for shipping. So... I didn't cost anyone there job... so neither did Craig.

I wanted to return a purchase from SSC this week. I sent the return request form Tuesday and said it would take two days. On the second day, with about two hours left in the day, I contacted chat and they said I would be contacted before the day was over because she asked the returns guy.... sure.... Two hours past and I am not contacted. I send an email to them. Saying how they have now lied to me on multiple occasions over the past few months and how now this is my third time asking to do a simple return. Funny, after my email, I was the first customer served today!

Craig, my advice to you would be to constantly bug them until the issue is resolved. Chat them up twice a week. I guess some think it is okay for you to be out $250 with no product. I would be pretty mad to.
Sounds like mine got stolen by UPS employee or something. It's "not trackable" currently. SSC is placing a tracer on it, and this process can be 2 weeks. Sucks.

That really sucks to hear. Hope it doesn't take that long and you get your figure quick. I think you'll be really pleased when you do get it.

This sort of thing is exactly why SS should double box from the outset. Sending stuff all over the world with big "Look I'm an expensive toy" labels on their standard shippers is just asking for trouble.
This sort of thing is exactly why SS should double box from the outset. Sending stuff all over the world with big "Look I'm an expensive toy" labels on their standard shippers is just asking for trouble.

Good point

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I send an email to them. Saying how they have now lied to me on multiple occasions over the past few months and how now this is my third time asking to do a simple return. Funny, after my email, I was the first customer served today!

Craig, my advice to you would be to constantly bug them until the issue is resolved. Chat them up twice a week. I guess some think it is okay for you to be out $250 with no product. I would be pretty mad to.

Bad point

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Seriously though WWE: anyone who comes into my place of business, and accuses me of lying because they feel they were misinformed, isn't doing themselves any favors.
Sure, you were told something would take two days from the time you called, and guess what? It did. They got that to you on the third business day (two business days after your request). I don't believe your rude email got them moving; I believe that was how the timing worked out. Your email most likely fell on deaf ears because it came across as accusatory and impatient.
Sideshow Collectibles will take care of Craig (they know he didn't get the figure he paid for). Remain patient Craig. You've regained the high ground. It won't hurt to call and check in on the status to keep things moving.

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I'm curious to know why some believe that the burden of etiquette is on the customer and not the vendor, as if solving problems for dissatisfied customers of varying temperament is, in fact, not in the job description of customer service representatives.
Seriously though WWE: anyone who comes into my place of business, and accuses me of lying because they feel they were misinformed, isn't doing themselves any favors.
Sure, you were told something would take two days from the time you called, and guess what? It did. They got that to you on the third business day (two business days after your request). I don't believe your rude email got them moving; I believe that was how the timing worked out. Your email most likely fell on deaf ears because it came across as accusatory and impatient.
Sideshow Collectibles will take care of Craig (they know he didn't get the figure he paid for). Remain patient Craig. You've regained the high ground. It won't hurt to call and check in on the status to keep things moving.

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You are misinformed. Businesses lie all the time to customers for various reasons. It is rude for them to lie to me on multiple occasions when I am PAYING them....

So... once again. I sent form in Tuesday. Two business days for them to contact me (not three). Wednesday passes. Nothing. One more business day. Two hours before the second business day passes I ask them about my return. Rep says she will ask returns... not even a minute later she says they will contact me later that day. Guess what? They don't. You don't think that is rude? Lying to me? That is what it was. I sat there for two hours waiting for the RMA number or whatever it is called to return my item and ship it back to SSC. So, instead of shipping it out Thursday.... now I have to wait until Monday. By the time SSC gets it next Friday.... they won't process it till the week of the 16th.
I'm curious to know why some believe that the burden of etiquette is on the customer and not the vendor, as if solving problems for dissatisfied customers of varying temperament is, in fact, not in the job description of customer service representatives.

Great point. I agree, customers definitely have the right to be upset when they are wronged, and customer service reps are trained to handle goobers (it's in the job description). To answer your curiosity, however, treating a customer service rep the way you would want to be treated, or the way you would want someone to treat your mother, is not a burden. It is a courtesy. It is not the individual employee's fault that an customer is having difficulty. Employees are more inclined to assist a polite customer rather than a rude customer who demands something.
Examples: I've worked with the public since 1996. So personally, I'm aware of the multitude of temperaments that one encounters in dealing with customers. When I worked in a restaurant, I witnessed rude customers' food get tampered with. While working in a video store, I witnessed customers being escorted out for foolish behavior. While working in a grocery store, I saw upset customers being asked to leave, and take their business elsewhere. Same goes with shoe stores I've worked in. Rude phone customers get hung up on. Rude people making returns were turned away, while polite customers were given exceptions and allowed refunds.
These are various examples from multiple companies I've worked for over the past two decades. Therefore, my conclusion is that this is common practice all over. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying you have to know how to talk to people if you intend to get someone to go the extra mile in customer service. Otherwise, you may be taking a step back.

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