Star ace Harry Potter - Mad-Eye Moody

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Yeah I need to see a pic of that sculpt.
Who do you think will ship this faster?
BBTS or Sideshow?
I know BBTS has been selling them longer than SSC.
I always use BBTS. Cheaper (and faster) shipping via FedEx. Plus Sideshow always charges more for these.
Yeah I need to see a pic of that sculpt.
Who do you think will ship this faster?
BBTS or Sideshow?
I know BBTS has been selling them longer than SSC.
I do not really have an issue with the outfit. It looks really great. Accessories do as well. I am more concerned with two things...

Those doll like hands.... they made me shudder. That is an easy fix though. Just swap hands and it is fine, no big issue.

Then the eye patch....

What Michael got is not what is in this proto


That is a huge letdown for me, especially since the likeness is so great, then the eye patch is just... distracting.

I think I am now gonna wait a little to purchase this.
Yikes the magic eye looks pretty bad on the production figure. The lines coming from the iris are making it look bad.