Star ace Harry Potter - Mad-Eye Moody

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I didn't notice the weirdness with those lines - that's an issue. I don't agree on the color of the white, since the prototype was wrong with that weird off color tinge that it had. It was clear white in the movie, as this is a fake eye, and the fact that it could move and see while being fake was what made it so cool. But the iris is weird...
I just did something I NEVER do. In fact, in almost 4000 reviews, I've done it so few times you could probably count them on one hand. I revised the review after publishing, all because of that damn left eye. I didn't notice how weird the iris and pupil looked, but once I saw it I couldn't unsee it. I think the white color is fine, and I don't think the prototype tinged color made any sense (it should be a clean white), but once I saw the weird pinwheel look, it drove me nuts. So I pulled the paint score down, which pulled the overall down.

I still really like the figure, and I don't agree on the weathering of the costume issue (it's no different here than the prototype), but that eyeball is bugging me now...
I was on the fence with this one, specially since we probably are seeing the last of them in this price point. However, after reading the review and seeing the pics I'll probably not get him. The figure lost a bit of moody's age
I just did something I NEVER do. In fact, in almost 4000 reviews, I've done it so few times you could probably count them on one hand. I revised the review after publishing, all because of that damn left eye. I didn't notice how weird the iris and pupil looked, but once I saw it I couldn't unsee it. I think the white color is fine, and I don't think the prototype tinged color made any sense (it should be a clean white), but once I saw the weird pinwheel look, it drove me nuts. So I pulled the paint score down, which pulled the overall down.

I still really like the figure, and I don't agree on the weathering of the costume issue (it's no different here than the prototype), but that eyeball is bugging me now...

A few companies have done this recently... since they're using a decal (instead of paint) they think adding lines will somehow replicate a real iris, but instead it just looks cheap. The Snake Plissken did the same thing, and while not quite as bad as this it was very distracting. What's odd on Moody is the other eye looks great, should have just used a similar blue decal and called it good :lol

The outfit really took a hit in production too... the proto looks shiny a bit out of scale, but the proto had some very nice weathering done to it, especially the vest.
I wasn't going to collect all the Potter figures just my favourites; which Moody is but after seeing the photo's released so far I think I'll save myself some cash instead.
Cancelled. Typical. Raise prices and cut corners. SSC did this with General Grievous. Instead of giving him the reptilian eyes they did something like this. Bugs me when I look at it. Star Ace better not make this a trend. The sculpt looks ok, but the paint makes this look like a wax figure. This is not HT quality and they are trying to charge HT's prices almost. I have supported Star Ace up until now. I will not drop $200 on this. Maybe $150.
As it happens with other figures - once more in hand pics start showing up I think people will be changing their tune.
Here is my Moody. Werry happy with him.
he has potential for sure. i can imagine how great hes gonna look repainted and haired! i think he needs a bulkier body. especially the shoulder width. wouldnt look so bobble headed
He looks better in person than in pictures No bobblehead. He is taller than Sirius.
But I guess the body could have looked a little heavier.