Hey! Your post count in this thread has been way too sparse lately. It ain't as much fun catching up on it without your takes being more frequent. Do I have to keep bashing TROS more to keep you posting?![]()
Ha ha, I haven't been posting as much lately due to a combination of more stuff going on in real life and the fact that I may have said about all I can say about SW at this point, including TROS, lol.
I think Rey was shown to be "better" because she and Luke had both been Jedi for about 2-3 years when they each encountered Palpatine in a throne room scene, but it was Rey who was quicker on her feet and more aware of her options with the Force. She did things that make it look like Luke wasn't aware of how to use Jedi skills as proficiently.
I'm fine with that considering that when Rey faced Palpatine she had been training under an actual living master (Leia) for 2-3 years compared to Luke only training 2-3 weeks under Yoda before spending the remaining years figuring things out on his own with no master, no texts.
If Luke had Rey's awareness, he could've Force-pulled his saber and used it to defend himself. Instead, he writhed around on the floor begging for help. Now, if he did that only to appeal to his father's compassion, then no problem. But I don't think either one of us believes that.
Yep, Force Lightning was definitely a surprise to Luke (in part due to ROTJ introducing it as a surprise where the PT and ST present it as a more commonly used Sith ability) but that can be attributed to him receiving more abridged training/instruction than Rey.
What Rey did was use her knowledge of the Force to understand what lightsabers could do when Palps was using lightning. She used that knowledge to subdue and defeat him with self-defense tactics and no attack. An A+ grade from the school of Jedi. Luke got bailed out by Vader instead of using his Jedi skills. That's why I say JJ made Rey come across like she was better than Luke. Similar scenarios, but greater proficiency.
Greater proficiency yes, I agree. Though in the end her more advanced skills did cause her to end up dead (temporary as it may have been thanks to Ben) while Luke walked away from Palps' death (temporary as it may have been thanks to dark magic and cloning
Not sure what you're suggesting that Yoda and Obi-Wan expected from Luke. If you're saying that they expected something other than Anakin returning to the light to help his son, then I'm inclined to disagree.
In all honesty I don't think Ben and Yoda had a clue what even THEY expected from Luke, lol.
Their gameplan in ROTJ seemed to basically go like this:
1. Guilt Luke into leaving Dagobah to kill his own father.
2. ???????????
3. Victory