Broke and happy
So you recycled the OT story and dropped the 3 classic heroes in da meat grindah...what happened to you Disney. You used to be a company I could trust.

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So you recycled the OT story and dropped the 3 classic heroes in da meat grindah...what happened to you Disney. You used to be a company I could trust.
Disney shareholders right about now
So you recycled the OT story and dropped the 3 classic heroes in da meat grindah...what happened to you Disney. You used to be a company I could trust.
Are we supposed to feel sorry for Iger being under-pressure to serve up what "Disney" thinks Star Wars is all about: regurgitation?
I guess all those fans that hated the prequels are kicking themselves now , Haha. At least those built on the lore this crap that disney is making is a cheap knock off that attempts to hook u with cheap nostalgia instead of genuine story and plot development.
Disney was so concerned with having SW "return to OT form" they could have just led off with RO (which started filming four months before TFA was released) and then followed with George's ST. I'm sure someone out there (Denis Villeneuve perhals who was very vocal about wanting to direct SW) could have made George's crazy microbiotic Saga into something sweet.
Disney Parks exec steps down due to weak performance of Galaxy?s Edge -
Did Rian Johnson kill SW?
I honestly think had Star Wars land been soley OT focused it wouldn?t have failed.
Anyway, bring on Ep. IX! I want to see how it all ends. Not with fandom-induced giddiness, but with calm curiosity.