The PT was complete trash. I'm saying the ST is what lies beneath it in the dumpster.
Yes I read you, lol. I disagree, but I read you.

The PT was complete trash. I'm saying the ST is what lies beneath it in the dumpster.
All lies aside, Lucas has beautiful hair.
You mean like "Syfo-Dias," the unexplained conception of Anakin, Padme inexplicably dying for no reason, completed abandoned character motivations like Anakin wanting to see all the stars and come back to free Tatooine slaves, Qui Gon learning how to become one with the Force *after* his death, and a ton of other half-baked story elements? I seriously doubt that so on that yes we disagree.
I sometimes wonder what would have transpired if mid-70's GL had decided to do these movies in chronological order starting with Episode 1. If he didn't come up with a better plot than what he gave us in 1999, 20th Century Fox would have probably fired him halfway through production (if he even made it that far).That said, it might be fun to speculate about who would have been cast back then for The Phantom Menace. How about Gene Hackman as Senator Palpatine, Roy Scheider as Qui-Gon and John Travolta as Obi-Wan? I'm imagining him complaining to Qui-Gon in full sweathog mode - "Awwww Master Q, why do I always have to stay behind and guard the ship?. That's so unfair.".
Gary Kurtz is severely missed.
Kurtz + Lucas = the best Star Wars. Everything else is not as good.
Yeah, that original script was all over the place. Its clear that as Lucas gained more power, he had fewer people forcing him to focus and he was free to let his mind go wild.
Its known as the McCallum Effect and there is no treatment.
Gary Kurtz is severely missed.
Kurtz + Lucas = Star Wars films.
Lucas + Kenner = SW toys 1983-2005
Yeah Driver's acting and charisma was off the charts in this film, both as Kylo and "Ben."
Keep in mind that sidelining Luke in favor of the new female Jedi (originally called "Kira") was done by Michael Arndt under George's watch. He was the one who famously said "anytime I tried to find a spot to introduce Luke into the story he just seemed to take over the movie." It was George's idea to have him in self-imposed exile on the island.[...]
Yup. I told you I was trying to sketch out my own ST? That's where I run into problems. I can keep Luke out of the first film but by episode 8 I'm like...well what do I do with this guy so that any of the other characters still matter without making him look bad?
but having him kept largely separated from the young adventurers due to the administrative duties of running a Jedi Order, galactic politics and so on.