Star Wars: The Acolyte

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Now if Plagueis (or whoever that dude with the red light saber is) actually created Mae & Osha and just let the Priestess and her horn-headed friend (Koril?) think she did it, THAT would have the makings of an interesting story (I'm assuming he'd still need a female to carry the babies to term). That would be Dark Side scheming & manipulation on par with Palpatine's grooming of Anakin. But even if that turns out to be the case, Headland's storytelling is so ridiculously haphazard and her main characters so meh that if such a reveal arrives it will likely be met with apathy....or downright disgust.
:horror :horror :horror
Now if Plagueis (or whoever that dude with the red light saber is) actually created Mae & Osha and just let the Priestess and her horn-headed friend (Koril?) think she did it, THAT would have the makings of an interesting story (I'm assuming he'd still need a female to carry the babies to term). That would be Dark Side scheming & manipulation on par with Palpatine's grooming of Anakin. But even if that turns out to be the case, Headland's storytelling is so ridiculously haphazard and her main characters so meh that if such a reveal arrives it will likely be met with apathy....or downright disgust.
I learned my lesson in predicting awesome twists when Mando Fett turned out to NOT be working with Gideon, lol.
Doctor Disaster: "The Acolyte is getting crushed in all ways. This is easily the worst received Star Wars in the history of the franchise."

When Disney boasted that The Acolyte had 11.1 million views in the first five days, they neglected to mention the fact that those were the global numbers.

"The data analytics firm, Luminate, has publicly released the first week viewership numbers for The Acolyte in the United States, and it looks terrible for The Acolyte. In it's premier week The Acolyte got only 210 million minutes watched in the US."


"For comparison, according to Nielsen, Ahsoka got 829 million minutes viewed in it's first week. Meaning The Acolyte got beat by damn near four times the amount of minutes viewed."


It's sad but not unprecedented. I literally only watched the second "Ewok" movie for the very first time just a year or two ago. So skipping live-action SW goes all the way back to the 80's for me.
Those were specificity made for children though. One could understand missing those. But these shows are adult focused. So IMO not the same thing.
Do you think that Disney does a discredit by not releasing all the episodes at once? I know why they don't, but maybe in some cases, watching the story all at once it might make a difference in how the story is perceived.
Do you think that Disney does a discredit by not releasing all the episodes at once? I know why they don't, but maybe in some cases, watching the story all at once it might make a difference in how the story is perceived.
There's a number of reasons why companies release these streaming shows weekly, as you say.

But maybe their biggest fear is the audience will tune out permanently when facing like 4 hours of an 8 episode (30min each) show and the show sucks. Easier to stomach 30 min (yes, 60 min the 1st week since 2 eps dropped) a week for 8 weeks rather than all in one sitting. Some may be willing to see it through to the end, but many may also throw in the towel after, say 2 hours, and not return.

I personally prefer to binge watch it all at once or over 2 days or so depending on the number of episodes, but I also have definitely not finished/returned on shows that didn't click with me after watching a few episodes in a row.