I agree. [emoji4] I guess if they had killed Snoke in the 9th episode, people wouldve had a problem with that for it being to similar to ROTJ. Hope to watch it many more times once it comes out on blu ray.That's not true. I give some of you a hard time for being millennials but there's been quite a few times that you young ones have typed something that made me go "nice, good point." So don't fall in line with the "mass hysteria crowd" on this one, Clown.
Luke, Rey, and Kylo all grew in the film, as did Poe.
And not giving Snoke a backstory is not lazy in a space opera that deals largely in archetypes. These films *can* get away with characters who are simply "evil ***hole in a chair" (ROTJ Emperor/Snoke), "evil ***hole on a slab" (Jabba), "evil ***hole with a gun" (ESB/ROTJ Fett), etc. Especially when they are anchored by more nuanced and layered villains like OT Vader and ST Kylo.
Remember in ESB Fett didn't even have a name! Nor did Palpatine in ROTJ.
Now people like JJ.![]()
I'm sorry but the hate for JJ was unwarranted! He did a brilliant job with The Force Awakens of re-establishing the franchise, making it likeable again, whilst introducing these new characters, setting up intriguing plot points going forward and ending his movie on a fantastic cliff hanger.
Rian Johnson came along and literally destroyed all of that! There was lot's that could have been done with Snoke to make him different to the Emperor without killing him off! It was just lazy and uncreative writing.
Same goes for Luke, he could have had a deeper purpose for being on that island, not that crap RJ came up with. He destroyed Luke's character, all of his beliefs and what a Jedi stands for.
Now people like JJ.![]()
Do you know one of the biggest things that bugged me that no one seems to be mentioning? Where the F was Luke's Green Lightsaber?
Why did his force projection have the old blue one? It makes no sense at all to me.
I am hoping Rey returns to Ahcto in 9 and finds his Green Lightsaber. But most probably she will construct her own new one and Luke's Green one will never be mentioned again!
As much as I wanted to see Luke wield the lightsaber that he actually constructed himself, within the context of this ugly story it makes sense for him not to use it. The green lightsaber is a physical representation of his greatest failure ... I can see Luke shunning it much like his cutting himself off from the force. He doesn't use it in the vision with Kylo for that reason, he is not there to murder Kylo like he intended all those years before. He is also triggering Kylo by wielding the lightsaber of Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader that Kylo desires so badly. Luke igniting lightsaber but refusing to strike at Ben with it demonstrates to Kylo that he doesn't understand the legacy of Anakin and will never be his true heir.Do you know one of the biggest things that bugged me that no one seems to be mentioning? Where the F was Luke's Green Lightsaber?
Why did his force projection have the old blue one? It makes no sense at all to me.
I am hoping Rey returns to Ahcto in 9 and finds his Green Lightsaber. But most probably she will construct her own new one and Luke's Green one will never be mentioned again!
Oh trust me, I mentioned it, but at the rate this thread progresses...
That was easily one of the biggest letdowns imo. Directly linked of course with the fact that we didn't get an actual fight scene with Luke.
When they decided to show it for the first time in a flashback, I thought that was REALLY weird but still had hope that we would see it in use later on.
Worst case scenario, if they wanted to be original and play a bit with the new canon, it should have been white like Ahsoka's due to Luke's situation with the Force.
And yeah I really wondered wtf was going on when I saw Anakin's on hist belt during the Force projection part.
For me that was one of the ultimate proofs that Rian Johnson simply doesn't get Star Wars.
I've been reading a lot of media spin, attempting to mitigate the backlash toward The Last Jedi. From what I've read, the media would lead us to believe people dislike TLJ because:
1. The film took too many risks, deviating from convention in a way that traditionalists just can't handle,
2. Right wing Brietbart trolls are railing against the film's "diverse" cast,
3. 4Chan bots are somehow creating thousands of fake accounts to downvote the film on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes
4. People didn't like the comedic relief, created to alleviate the "dark" undertones within the film
5. Mark Hamill "gave fans permission" to hate the depiction of Luke Skywalker, by complaining about it himself
In reality, the actual problems are:
1. The film was boring, too long, with horribly written dialogue and subplots that meandered too far from the main conflict,
2. The "risks" that the film took broke the logic of the franchise, so that aspects of the previous films no longer make sense,
3. Several of the scenes were visually off-putting, and lacked cohesion with the tone of the franchise (Space Vegas, Yoda, The Milked Space-Cow)
4. There were plot holes everywhere, breaking the internal logic of the film itself.
5. The portrayal of Luke as an aged Jedi master was bizzare, with an inadequate explanation accounting for the character departure
None of these objections involve conservatism, whether it's a reluctance to break from tradition or some sort of ideologically driven gripe with the ethnicity or gender of the cast members. The only reason why either of those issue arise, is in reacting to the bombardment of nonsense from media and apologists defending this train wreck of a film.
Most people wanted innovation with this new film, myself included. The Force Awakens wasn't a horrible film, but it was mediocre because it rehashed too much of ANH. It was safe. Sure, TLJ took risks, but when you do that, you risk failure. Unfortunately, these risks lead to failure. Taking a chance isn't an accomplishment, in and of itself.
Every time I hear someone say, "You complain when the new trilogy doesn't take risks, THEN you complain when the new trilogy DOES take risks", I'm reminded that people are being taught there's no such thing as failure. Everyone gets a gold star, just for showing up. All you need is hope, and everything will be great. This movie is the product of that mentality. It's a Space Cow, being milked at you.