Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

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A pick-up of 13 is pretty good for Fox - even successful shows sometimes only get a 13 order on their 2nd season. If it does okay, they'll do another 9. Or they'll program it like Prison Break with only running half a year.
Glad to hear it.. it may not be the best show ever but its better than most of the junk on nowadays.
im hoping the 2nd season picks up steam from all the hype. dvds wouldnt hurt either for those who are curious but missed the 1st season. hopefully they will be releasing them soon.
i'm gonna just come right out and say it...

i'll watch anything with queen gorgo in it.
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i'm gonna just come right out and say it...

i'll watch anything with queen gorgo in it.
she's great but i think summer glau is stealing this show. might as well call it the summer glau chronicles. she seems to be the fan's favorite. i think she is perfect in every scene she's in.
Heady and Glau have both amazing characters to work with. Heady glances as Sarah because there's similarity between her and Gorgo, while Glau can profit from her Firefly experience and play Cameron a bit (sometimes a lot) like River. But neither is stealing the show from the other IMO.
ill just get mine from the local target the day it comes out. ill probably watch the whole thing in 1 sitting too.:lol cant believe they are charging $26 for this. it's only 9 episodes.
Great, a Scottish Cyborg maybe? I love Shirley so I'm happy to see her get some work, but this show needs a whole stable of new Writers IMO.

I agree. I really want this show to be better.

And sorry, no Scottish cyborg. :lol

On "Sarah Connor," produced by Warner Bros. TV, Scottish musician Manson will play Catherine Weaver, the CEO of a cutting-edge high-tech company.
I agree. I really want this show to be better.

And sorry, no Scottish cyborg. :lol

A Scottish Ceo then. :lol I still like her, but her accent is pretty thick so I hope they just let her keep it. Lena slips out of her accent on that show though. Most noticeably during more emotional moments. It's pretty distracting...

But again, without some decent Writers this show will continue to die a slow death...

Dollhouse will be kicking its ass this season. Joss will write circles around it but yeah, they're on Fox too. Maybe they'll help each other out. If Joss gets Espernson onboard it could kick serious ass.
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i'm a complete idiot. i was sitting back watching TV about a half hour ago when i realized that the first season DVD came out today. i quickly jumped in my truck to go get it. i cant believe it. i could've been watching summer glau kick ass all day long.
I picked mine up yesterday bestbuy has a steelbook exclusive cover.

I've seen probably 1 episode and I'm still not sure if the chick on there is really good at playing an emotionless cyborg or if she just can't act. I'm leaning towards the latter.