The Avengers: The Motion Picture Discussion Thread- Open SPOILERS -enter at own risk!

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Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Looks like Photoshop threw up on it, its a mess.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

That guy does not look like Bruce Banner. Isn't Banner supposed to look like the kinda guy who gets shoved into lockers? That guy looks more like the guy who shoves the Banners into the lockers.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

From Superhero Hype:

MTV talked to Iron Man 2 co-star Don Cheadle at the Sundance Film Festival and got an update on the possible War Machine spin-off at Marvel Studios.

"They're developing it now, they're working on that," Cheadle said. "I think they've hired a writer, so we'll see how it goes. It would be a lot of fun."

He doesn't think James "Rhodey" Rhodes will appear in The Avengers, however.

"I don't think he shows up in ['Avengers']," Cheadle added. "I think he's kind of a lone wolf."
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Nothing against War Machine, but I'm glad he's not in Avengers. I wouldn't mind a cameo, but Im really concerned about them having too many heroes and overloading the movie.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Don Cheadle, pfft!
That war machine armor did more acting than he's done his whole career.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I really hope that they dont have the skrulls or any alien life form in this movie. I know its the whole superhero universe aint real, but this would take it to a whole different level which would make it more so unbelievable. Maybe it's just me!
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I really hope that they dont have the skrulls or any alien life form in this movie. I know its the whole superhero universe aint real, but this would take it to a whole different level which would make it more so unbelievable. Maybe it's just me!

Too late, Thor is now an alien and no longer a god. He's the Alien of Thunder :lol

Besides, why not have aliens in a movie where a dude flies and shoots lightning from a hammer and another dude woke up from hibernation decades later and because of a serum he can now throw a shield with laser precision.

Yup, I don't think adding aliens will make things less unbelievable :lol

If anything, I believe that other life does exist in the universe, they're just avoiding us.....can you blame them :lol
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I really hope that they dont have the skrulls or any alien life form in this movie. I know its the whole superhero universe aint real, but this would take it to a whole different level which would make it more so unbelievable. Maybe it's just me!

Aliens would seem more real than humans running around with super powers. :monkey5
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

Personally I'm hoping super powers turn out to be more realistic than aliens. I just don't see an encounter with an alien race going well for us because their either going to kick our asses, or we're going to be terrified of them, attack them, and then they're going to kick our asses. Super powers on the other hand...well I just want some.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I really hope that they dont have the skrulls or any alien life form in this movie. I know its the whole superhero universe aint real, but this would take it to a whole different level which would make it more so unbelievable. Maybe it's just me!

Is the thought of intelligent life other than humans in this universe really so unbelievable? I know city lights have made much of the night sky invisible, but there are a lot of stars out there, and I'm willing to bet more than one of them has supports a planet inhabited by intelligent life.

Now... intelligent life that can travel light-years to Earth and absorb meta-human powers? You might need to flex the imagination muscle a bit for that, but I don't think it's *that* much of a stretch.
Re: The Avengers: Discussion Thread

I really hope that they dont have the skrulls or any alien life form in this movie. I know its the whole superhero universe aint real, but this would take it to a whole different level which would make it more so unbelievable. Maybe it's just me!

I'm an alien from the planet Uranus :lecture

I am brown and stinky :lecture

And I own a mansion and a yacht :lecture